我已经下载了 Carrot2 并尝试了,我收到了响应“我们很抱歉,出现以下处理错误:org.carrot2.source.etools.IpBannedException: org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Forbidden”





1 回答 1


The eTools document source is provided to Carrot2 by our partner, http://etools.ch. They sometimes block certain ranges of IP addresses to limit the abuse of their service and your IP might have gotten on their list even if it's not offending. See this FAQ for more information.

One way is to try Carrot2 on some other document source, such as the Bing search engine (you'll need to generate a Bing API Key to do that). Alternatively, you can cluster locally stored data from a Lucene index, Solr instance or XML file.

于 2016-05-18T07:40:56.747 回答