我想使用 WMI 从 UWF 获取所有注册表排除和文件排除。

我已经尝试从 UWF_RegistryFilter 类调用 GetExclusions 方法,但没有成功。



2 回答 2


困难的部分是从方法结果中读取出参数。Microsoft 网站上没有适当的文档,很难猜测如何使用 ManagementBaseObject 来读取输出参数。

为了找到解决方案,我尝试根据其他有据可查的 wmi 示例来了解 WMI 如何利用 out 参数。请使用下面的 C# 代码,希望对您有所帮助:

public static void GetRegistryExclusions()

        ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"root\standardcimv2\embedded");
        using (ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass(scope.Path.Path, "UWF_RegistryFilter",
            ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
            foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
                ManagementBaseObject[] result = (ManagementBaseObject[])mo.InvokeMethod("GetExclusions", null, null).Properties["ExcludedKeys"].Value;

                if (result != null)
                    foreach (var r in result)

注意/请求请求具有1500 名声望的人创建和链接以下标签,以便像我这样的人更容易在 stackoverflow 上请求解决方案/回答问题。

  1. UWF
于 2017-08-22T11:08:14.083 回答

只有当我想把我的代码放在 SO 上时,我才从微软论坛上的提示中找到了 Manoj 的答案。因此添加关键字Unified Write Filter 和UWF_Volume(这样工作吗?)。

我使用稍短的语法来访问属性,并按照 OP 的要求返回排除的文件。我试图使它尽可能健壮,因为似乎有一些无效的卷条目。如果有人知道他们是什么,请告诉我。

public static string GetFilterDetail()
  string details = "";
  string detailsCurrent = "";
  string detailsNext = "";
    // Get WMI provider for UWF
    var scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\localhost\root\StandardCimv2\embedded");
    var managementPath = scope.Path.Path;
    using (ManagementClass volumeFilterClass = new ManagementClass(managementPath, "UWF_Volume", null))
      var volumeFilters = volumeFilterClass?.GetInstances();
      if (volumeFilters != null && volumeFilters.Count > 0)
        foreach (ManagementObject volumeFilter in volumeFilters)
          if (volumeFilter != null)
            // Now we have access to the Volume's WMI provider class

            // First check if this is a valid Volume instance, as from trial and error it seems that is not always the case.
            // Some invalid/undocumented instances throw a Not Found ManagementException on the GetExclusions method.
            // Some also throw a NullReferenceException on mo.GetPropertyValue("Protected"), but that covers less cases.
            bool isInstanceValid = true;
              volumeFilter.InvokeMethod("GetExclusions", null, null);
            catch (ManagementException ex)
              if (ex.Message.ToLower().Contains("not found"))
                isInstanceValid = false;
              else throw ex;

            if (isInstanceValid)
              bool currentSession = ((bool)volumeFilter.GetPropertyValue("CurrentSession"));
              string driveLetter = (string)volumeFilter.GetPropertyValue("DriveLetter");
              bool isProtected = ((bool)volumeFilter.GetPropertyValue("Protected"));
              string detail = "Volume " + driveLetter + " is " + (isProtected ? "protected" : "not protected") + ".\n";
              detail += "Excluded files:\n";

              ManagementBaseObject outParams = volumeFilter.InvokeMethod("GetExclusions", null, null);
              if (outParams != null)
                var excludedItems = (ManagementBaseObject[])outParams["ExcludedFiles"];
                if (excludedItems != null)
                  foreach (var excludedItem in excludedItems)
                    detail += "    " + driveLetter + excludedItem["FileName"] + "\n";
                else detail += "    [No excluded files]\n";

              if (currentSession)
                detailsCurrent += detail;
                detailsNext += detail;
    using (ManagementClass registryFilterClass = new ManagementClass(managementPath, "UWF_RegistryFilter", null))
      var registryFilters = registryFilterClass?.GetInstances();
      if (registryFilters != null && registryFilters.Count > 0)
        foreach (ManagementObject registryFilter in registryFilters)
          if (registryFilter != null)
            // Now we have access to the RegistryFilter's WMI provider class

            bool currentSession = ((bool)registryFilter.GetPropertyValue("CurrentSession"));
            string detail = "Excluded registry keys:\n";

            ManagementBaseObject outParams = registryFilter.InvokeMethod("GetExclusions", null, null);
            if (outParams != null)
              var excludedItems = (ManagementBaseObject[])outParams["ExcludedKeys"];
              if (excludedItems != null)
                foreach (var excludedItem in excludedItems)
                  detail += "    " + excludedItem["RegistryKey"] + "\n";
              else detail += "    [No excluded registry keys]\n";

            if (currentSession)
              detailsCurrent += detail;
              detailsNext += detail;
  catch (Exception ex)
    details += ex.ToString();

  details += "\nNOTE: These settings are only active if the Write Filter is Enabled\n"
          + "\nCURRENT SETTINGS:\n" + detailsCurrent
          + "\nNEXT SETTINGS: (after next reboot)\n" + detailsNext;

  return details;



于 2018-07-23T10:06:29.470 回答