I am working on using the forward difference scheme for numerically solving the diffusion function in one dimension. My final plot of the solution should be a surface where the solution u(x,t) is plotted over a grid of x and t values. I have the problem solved, but I can't get the data to be plotted with the grid representation.
I can think of 2 ways to fix this:
1.) My x and t arrays should be one dimensional, but my u array should be a 2D array. Ultimately, I want a square matrix for u, but I am having a hard time coding that. Currently I have a 1D array for u. Here is the code where u is populated.
u = zeros(Nx+1) # unknown u at new time level
u_1 = zeros(Nx+1) # u at the previous time level
# Set initial condition u(x,0) = I(x)
for i in range(0, Nx+1):
#set initial u's to I(xi)
u_1[i] = 25-x[i]**2
for n in range(0, Nt):
# Compute u at inner mesh points
for i in range(1, Nx):
u[i] = u_1[i] + F*(u_1[i-1] - 2*u_1[i] + u_1[i+1])
2.) The above code returns a 1D array for u, is there a way to plot a 3D surface with 3 1D arrays for x,y,z?