I am attempting to load a small application I wrote with AppCelerator on my device. I am having quite a bit of trouble with this because of iOS target mismatches I suspect.
AppCelerator provides me two options for the target OS, 3.2 and 4.1. My Phone has firmware 4.1 on it so I selected 4.1:
Here is a picture if you want to have a look.
Note that in this image I am selecting output type of 4.1. This generates an XCode project with 4.1 as the base sdk / target sdk of 4.1.
When I launch this it generates an XCode project. Organizer contains the following devices and provisioning profiles:
Here is a picture of organizer.
It contains my device, with provisioning profiles, with a green dot beside the device meaning it should be a valid target.
Then when I try to run the app on my device I see the following options as available targets:
Finally here is the dropdown where you select simulators and devices.
Notice it simply doesn't contain my device as it did before I upgraded to the new SDK and 4.1 iOS.
I assumed I would be able to push to my iphone at this time - have tried all I know to try. Blown away all my provisioning profiles, regenerated my developer certificate, also deleted my login keychain to make sure that I started fresh there.
I am really just out of ideas to try - appreciate any and all help!