我正在使用表上的触发器使用 sp_send_dbmail 发送电子邮件。
jpeg 的原始数据存储在二进制类型的 ndl_Image 列中。
我有以下代码: -
DECLARE @ReferenceID varchar(max)
DECLARE @Recipient varchar(Max)
DECLARE @Body varchar(max)
DECLARE @Subject varchar(max)
DECLARE @Q varchar(max)
--Get the EntryId and FormID for the inserted data.
SET @ReferenceID = 40
SET @Recipient = (SELECT ndl_CategorySendTo FROM ndl_config WHERE ndl_CategoryName = 'Dead Animal')
SET @Body = '<html>A new request has been created.</html>'
SET @Subject = 'NDL Report It: New Request #'+@ReferenceID
SET @Q = 'SELECT ndl_Image from dbo.ndl_data where ndl_ID ='+@ReferenceID
--Execute the stored procedure to send mail.
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
--Pass it the following paramaters.
@body_format ='HTML',
@query = @Q,
@attach_query_result_as_file = 1,
@query_attachment_filename = 'image.jpg'
如何将附件作为 jpeg 文件获取????