My question is a very easy one. I just want to know if buying the professional version of Saxon will help with file URI resolution, since the professional version has the EXPath extension.

I'm asking this because no matter how hard I try, (passing command line parameters, using file:///C|/path/to/text.csv, etc.) Saxon-HE refuses to let my stylesheets load a raw text file using unparsed-text('file:///C:/path/to/text.csv'), and will only resolve the file if it comes from one of the network drives that are mounted, unparsed-text('file://example.com/Dept/path/to/text.csv').

I have to ask this because the Saxon documentation explicitly states that unparsed-text() is NOT dependant on any custom URI resolver classes being used.


2 回答 2


您的简单问题的简单答案是否定的。商业 Saxon 版本有很多好处,但它们不是魔法仙粉:如果您使用的 URI 无法在 Saxon-HE 中取消引用,那么您需要找出您做错了什么而不是希望不同的软件会为你解决。

我建议先在最简单的情况下尝试。创建一个名为 的文件c:/test.txt,然后尝试将其引用为unparsed-text('file:///c:/test.txt'). 回来告诉我们这是否有效。

于 2016-05-02T17:05:39.480 回答

答案是在尝试通过 XSLT 以 UTF-8 解析原始文本之前,始终检查原始文本的编码。:^)

于 2016-05-02T17:59:00.557 回答