大叔坚持。或者 El Duderino,如果你不喜欢整个简洁的事情。您要问的实际上是一个两部分的问题,但是遗传算法部分可以很容易地在概念上进行说明。我发现给出一个基本的开始可能会有所帮助,但是这个问题作为一个“整体”太复杂了,无法在这里解决。
正如您所注意到的,遗传算法 (GA) 可以用作优化器。为了将 GA 应用于流程执行计划,您需要能够对执行计划进行评分,然后克隆和变异最佳计划。遗传算法的工作原理是运行多个计划,克隆最好的,然后稍微改变其中的一些,以查看后代(克隆)计划是改进还是恶化。
在这个例子中,我创建了一个包含 100 个随机整数的数组。每个 Integer 都是要运行的“进程”,Integer 的值是运行该单独进程的“成本”。
List<Integer> processes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
。这个整数列表列表将用于表示执行 25 轮处理的 4 个处理器:
class ExecutionPlan implements Comparable<ExecutionPlan> {
List<List<Integer>> plan;
int cost;
将通过每轮的最高进程成本(最大整数)和所有轮的成本相加来计算。因此,优化器的目标是将最初的 100 个整数(进程)分配到 4 个“处理器”上的 25 轮“处理”中,以使总成本尽可能低。
// make 10 execution plans of 25 execution rounds running on 4 processors;
List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans = createAndIntializePlans(processes);
// Loop on generationCount
for ( int generation = 0; generation < GENERATIONCOUNT; ++generation) {
// sort plans by cost
// print execution plan costs
System.out.println(generation + " = " + executionPlans);
// clone 5 better plans over 5 worse plans
// i.e., kill off the least fit and reproduce the best fit.
// mutate 5 cloned plans
当程序运行时,成本最初是随机确定的,但随着每一代的改进,成本会有所提高。如果运行 1000 代并绘制结果,典型的运行将如下所示:

GA 的目的是Optimize
可以被评分、克隆和变异。因此,通往成功的道路是将你心中的问题分开。首先,弄清楚如何制定一个执行计划,该计划可以根据在一组假设的硬件上实际运行它的成本进行评分。添加 rountines 以克隆和变异一个ExecutionPlan
. 一旦你把它插入到这个 GA 示例中。祝你好运,保持冷静,伙计。
public class Optimize {
private static int GENERATIONCOUNT = 1000;
private static int PROCESSCOUNT = 100;
private static int MUTATIONCOUNT = PROCESSCOUNT/10;
public static void main(String...strings) {
new Optimize().run();
// define an execution plan as 25 runs on 4 processors
class ExecutionPlan implements Comparable<ExecutionPlan> {
List<List<Integer>> plan;
int cost;
public ExecutionPlan(List<List<Integer>> plan) {
this.plan = plan;
public int compareTo(ExecutionPlan o) {
return cost-o.cost;
public String toString() {
return Integer.toString(cost);
private void run() {
// make 100 processes to be completed
List<Integer> processes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// assign them a random cost between 1 and 100;
for ( int index = 0; index < PROCESSCOUNT; ++index) {
processes.add( new Integer((int)(Math.random() * 99.0)+1));
// make 10 execution plans of 25 execution rounds running on 4 processors;
List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans = createAndIntializePlans(processes);
// Loop on generationCount
for ( int generation = 0; generation < GENERATIONCOUNT; ++generation) {
// sort plans by cost
// print execution plan costs
System.out.println(generation + " = " + executionPlans);
// clone 5 better plans over 5 worse plans
// mutate 5 cloned plans
private void mutateClones(List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans) {
for ( int index = 0; index < executionPlans.size()/2; ++index) {
ExecutionPlan execution = executionPlans.get(index);
// mutate 10 different location swaps, maybe the plan improves
for ( int mutationCount = 0; mutationCount < MUTATIONCOUNT ; ++mutationCount) {
int location1 = (int)(Math.random() * 100.0);
int location2 = (int)(Math.random() * 100.0);
// swap two locations
Integer processCostTemp = execution.plan.get(location1/4).get(location1%4);
execution.plan.get(location1/4).set(location1%4, execution.plan.get(location2/4).get(location2%4));
execution.plan.get(location2/4).set(location2%4, processCostTemp);
private void cloneBetterPlansOverWorsePlans(List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans) {
for ( int index = 0; index < executionPlans.size()/2; ++index) {
ExecutionPlan execution = executionPlans.get(index);
List<List<Integer>> clonePlan = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
for ( int roundNumber = 0; roundNumber < 25; ++roundNumber) {
clonePlan.add( new ArrayList<Integer>(execution.plan.get(roundNumber)) );
executionPlans.set( index + executionPlans.size()/2, new ExecutionPlan(clonePlan) );
private void computeCostOfPlans(List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans) {
for ( ExecutionPlan execution: executionPlans) {
execution.cost = 0;
for ( int roundNumber = 0; roundNumber < 25; ++roundNumber) {
// cost of a round is greatest "communication time".
List<Integer> round = execution.plan.get(roundNumber);
int roundCost = round.get(0)>round.get(1)?round.get(0):round.get(1);
roundCost = execution.cost>round.get(2)?roundCost:round.get(2);
roundCost = execution.cost>round.get(3)?roundCost:round.get(3);
// add all the round costs' to determine total plan cost
execution.cost += roundCost;
private List<ExecutionPlan> createAndIntializePlans(List<Integer> processes) {
List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans = new ArrayList<ExecutionPlan>();
for ( int planNumber = 0; planNumber < 10; ++planNumber) {
// randomize the processes for this plan
// and make the plan
List<List<Integer>> currentPlan = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
for ( int roundNumber = 0; roundNumber < 25; ++roundNumber) {
List<Integer> round = new ArrayList<Integer>();
executionPlans.add(new ExecutionPlan(currentPlan));
return executionPlans;