我正在创建一个加载屏幕 UIView,它被添加到子视图中,同时从某个 URL 解析一些 XML。一旦返回 XML,加载屏幕就会从其父视图中移除。
到 loadingScreen,但除非我释放它,否则我仍然拥有该对象的所有权。但是,如果我释放它,在viewdidUnload
- (void)loadView {
loadingScreen = [[LoadingScreen alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.frame];
[self.view addSubview:loadingScreen]; //retain count = 2
-(void)doneParsing {
[loadingScreen removeFromSuperview]; //retain count = 1
[loadingScreen release]; //should i release the loading screen here?
- (void)viewDidUnload {
[loadingScreen release]; //if viewDidUnload is called AFTER doneParsing, this
//will cause an exception, but the app might crash before
//doneParsing is called, so i need something here
- (void)dealloc {
[loadingScreen release]; //if i've already released the object, i can't release here