感谢 Paul Haeberli,这是他与我分享的一些用于绘制抗锯齿框、点和线的代码:
* Antialised 2D points, lines and rectangles for iOS devices
* The feathered edge of these primitives is width/2.0.
* If you are working in screen space, the width should be 1.0.
* Paul Haeberli 2010
void fillSmoothRectangle(CGRect *r, float width)
GLfloat rectVertices[10][2];
GLfloat curc[4];
GLint ir, ig, ib, ia;
// fill the inside of the rectangle
rectVertices[0][0] = r->origin.x;
rectVertices[0][1] = r->origin.y;
rectVertices[1][0] = r->origin.x+r->size.width;
rectVertices[1][1] = r->origin.y;
rectVertices[2][0] = r->origin.x;
rectVertices[2][1] = r->origin.y+r->size.height;
rectVertices[3][0] = r->origin.x+r->size.width;
rectVertices[3][1] = r->origin.y+r->size.height;
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, rectVertices);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
rectVertices[0][0] = r->origin.x;
rectVertices[0][1] = r->origin.y;
rectVertices[1][0] = r->origin.x-width;
rectVertices[1][1] = r->origin.y-width;
rectVertices[2][0] = r->origin.x+r->size.width;
rectVertices[2][1] = r->origin.y;
rectVertices[3][0] = r->origin.x+r->size.width+width;
rectVertices[3][1] = r->origin.y-width;
rectVertices[4][0] = r->origin.x+r->size.width;
rectVertices[4][1] = r->origin.y+r->size.height;
rectVertices[5][0] = r->origin.x+r->size.width+width;
rectVertices[5][1] = r->origin.y+r->size.height+width;
rectVertices[6][0] = r->origin.x;
rectVertices[6][1] = r->origin.y+r->size.height;
rectVertices[7][0] = r->origin.x-width;
rectVertices[7][1] = r->origin.y+r->size.height+width;
rectVertices[8][0] = r->origin.x;
rectVertices[8][1] = r->origin.y;
rectVertices[9][0] = r->origin.x-width;
rectVertices[9][1] = r->origin.y-width;
glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, curc);
ir = 255.0*curc[0];
ig = 255.0*curc[1];
ib = 255.0*curc[2];
ia = 255.0*curc[3];
const GLubyte rectColors[] = {
ir, ig, ib, ia,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, ia,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, ia,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, ia,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, ia,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, ia,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, rectVertices);
glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, rectColors);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 10);
void drawSmoothLine(CGPoint *pos1, CGPoint *pos2, float width)
GLfloat lineVertices[12], curc[4];
GLint ir, ig, ib, ia;
CGPoint dir, tan;
width = width*8;
dir.x = pos2->x - pos1->x;
dir.y = pos2->y - pos1->y;
float len = sqrtf(dir.x*dir.x+dir.y*dir.y);
dir.x = dir.x/len;
dir.y = dir.y/len;
tan.x = -width*dir.y;
tan.y = width*dir.x;
lineVertices[0] = pos1->x + tan.x;
lineVertices[1] = pos1->y + tan.y;
lineVertices[2] = pos2->x + tan.x;
lineVertices[3] = pos2->y + tan.y;
lineVertices[4] = pos1->x;
lineVertices[5] = pos1->y;
lineVertices[6] = pos2->x;
lineVertices[7] = pos2->y;
lineVertices[8] = pos1->x - tan.x;
lineVertices[9] = pos1->y - tan.y;
lineVertices[10] = pos2->x - tan.x;
lineVertices[11] = pos2->y - tan.y;
ir = 255.0*curc[0];
ig = 255.0*curc[1];
ib = 255.0*curc[2];
ia = 255.0*curc[3];
const GLubyte lineColors[] = {
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, ia,
ir, ig, ib, ia,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, lineVertices);
glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, lineColors);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 6);
void drawSmoothPoint(CGPoint *pos, float width)
GLfloat pntVertices[12], curc[4];
GLint ir, ig, ib, ia;
pntVertices[0] = pos->x;
pntVertices[1] = pos->y;
pntVertices[2] = pos->x - width;
pntVertices[3] = pos->y - width;
pntVertices[4] = pos->x - width;
pntVertices[5] = pos->y + width;
pntVertices[6] = pos->x + width;
pntVertices[7] = pos->y + width;
pntVertices[8] = pos->x + width;
pntVertices[9] = pos->y - width;
pntVertices[10] = pos->x - width;
pntVertices[11] = pos->y - width;
ir = 255.0*curc[0];
ig = 255.0*curc[1];
ib = 255.0*curc[2];
ia = 255.0*curc[3];
const GLubyte pntColors[] = {
ir, ig, ib, ia,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
ir, ig, ib, 0,
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, pntVertices);
glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, pntColors);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 6);