I'm developing an add-in for outlook in O365 and need to get and update info in crm online. Ideal would be to do this call from the web app where the add-in is hosted but I'm trying to avoid it because of customer requirements. What I'm trying to do is call crm online from the the javascript code from the add-in. I would need to get the ADFS token got when logged into outlook and use it to call crm online from the addin. Is that possible? How do I get the token? Is it possible to call crm online using the Crm Web API or how should i do it? How do I avoid cross side scripting errors as I would be calling from outside the server?


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根据 dev.office.com 的说法,由于同源策略,跨域请求被阻止:


您需要设置后端服务器来中继跨域请求或使用 CORS(如果您正在使用的 CRM api 上可用)。

于 2016-06-14T05:13:51.160 回答