我有一个 Hystrix 断路器的实现,并且在测试时我得到了一个 Hystrix 运行时异常,错误是 CircuitBreker 超时和回退失败。我需要增加 CircutBreaker 的超时时间吗?如果代码超时,它是否应该让断路器跳闸?
public void test4(){
client = new DefaultHttpClient();
httpget = new HttpGet("http://www.google.com:81");
resp = new CircuitBreaker(client, "test4", httpget).execute();
//assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
我的课程只是使用 CircuitBreaker 运行 web 获取/放置/等,以防万一发生故障。我的班级如下:
public class CircuitBreaker extends HystrixCommand<HttpResponse> {
private HttpClient client;
private HttpRequestBase req;
protected String key;
//Set up logger
private static final Logger logger = (Logger)LoggerFactory.getLogger(CircuitBreaker.class);
* This method is a constructor and sets http client based on provides args.
* This version accepts user input Hystrix key.
public CircuitBreaker (HttpClient client, String key, HttpRequestBase req, int threshold) {
this.client = client;
this.key = key;
this.req = req;
logger.info("Hystrix Circut Breaker with Hystrix key:" + key);
* This method is a constructor and sets http client based on provides args.
* This version uses the default threshold of 50% failures if one isn't provided.
public CircuitBreaker (HttpClient client,String key, HttpRequestBase req){
this(client, key, req, 50);
* This method runs the command and returns the response.
protected HttpResponse run() throws Exception {
HttpResponse resp = null;
resp = client.execute(req);
if (resp != null)
logger.info("Request to " + req.getURI() + " succeeded!");
return resp;
* Fallback method in in the event the circuit breaker is tripped.
* Overriding the default fallback implemented by Hystrix that just throws an exception.
* @see com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixCommand#getFallback()
protected HttpResponse getFallback() {
//For later expansion as needed.
logger.error("Circuit Breaker has " + getExecutionEvents() + ". Reason: "+ getFailedExecutionException().getMessage());
return null;