下面粘贴的是一篇文章的补充材料。在找到主范围值后,作者说,“gamma(13,10) 很好地涵盖了这一点”。作者是如何找到 13 和 10 的?

# Moldenhauer and Regelski (1996) state that home range size typically
# ranges from 0.08-0.65 ha, which equates to a radius of
sqrt(0.08/pi*10000) # 15.96 m or
sqrt(0.65/pi*10000) # 45.49 m

# Since parulas were detected by song, let's be safe
# and add a minimum and maximum
# distance at which they could be heard, 50 and 250 m, based upon
# Simons et al. (2009).
# So now we have an area between
(15.96+50)^2*pi / 10000  # 1.37 ha, and
(45.49+250)^2*pi / 10000 # 27.4 ha

# We note that this is a very large range.

# Following Royle et. al (2011), and assuming a
# chi-squared distribution with 2 degrees of freedom,
# the range of sigma is given by
sqrt(1.37*10000/pi)/sqrt(5.99)   # 27 m
sqrt(27.4*10000/pi)/sqrt(5.99)   # 120 m

# In our grid spacing, 1 unit = 50m, so our we want a prior with most
# of the density between:
27/50  # 0.54
121/50 # 2.42

# Gamma(13, 10) covers this nicely
qgamma(c(0.001, 0.5, 0.999), 13, 10)

plot(function(x) dgamma(x, 13, 10), 0, 5, xlim=c(0, 3), ylim=c(0, 1.5))**

1 回答 1



# Find median of range (which is 1.48)
gamma_med <- median(seq(0.54, 2.42, length.out = 1e6))

伽马分布有两个参数,伽马(a,b)。第一个时刻或平均值可以很容易地计算出来,因为它只是a/b. 因此,如果我们希望我们的平均值为 1.48,我们只需要选择比例等于 1.48 的形状 (a) 和比例 (b)。最简单的是gamma(14.8, 10),但我们可以通过改变这些参数来增加或减少我们的方差(gamma = 的方差a/(b^2))。

这是两个先验的不同之处,您可以看到 gamma(13,10) 更精确。归根结底,这实际上归结为您认为自己想要的先验是可辩护的(或者最好您应该使用多个先验来查看它们如何影响您的后验)。


于 2016-04-13T13:52:20.157 回答