我尝试将以下代码加载到 winMIOS64 中,但该过程失败了,因为它在第 2 行给了我一个错误,可以帮助我识别问题以及是否应该更改其他说明??!!
m1:.asciiz "enter the total number of digits"
m2:.asciiz "enter total number of digits"
m3:.asciiz "entered number:"
m4:.asciiz "sum of product:"
m5:.asciiz "not an armstrong number"
addi.d $sp,$sp,-20
sd $ra,0($sp)
sd $a0,4($sp)
sd $a1,8($sp)
sd $a2,12($sp)
sd $a3,16($sp)
jal start
start: ld $a0,0($sp) #restore a0 from stack
ld $a1,4($sp)
ld $a2,8($sp)
ld $a3,12($sp)
ld $ra,16($sp)
addi.d $sp,$sp,20 #restore stack pointer
jr $ra #return to calling routing
1.第一个对话框说:pass 1 - error on line 2
2.第二个对话框说:第 1 遍检测到错误