del :: Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()
del myId = liftIO $ do
cn <- getConnection
a <- execute cn "delete from table1 where id = ?" [myId]
case a of
1 -> return ()
_ -> throwE err503 --compile error
Couldn't match expected type ‘IO ()’
with actual type ‘ExceptT ServantErr m0 a0’
In the expression: throwE err503
In a case alternative: _ -> throwE err503
如果可能的话,我不希望在每个表达式之前使用 liftIO :
del myId = do
cn <- liftIO getConnection
a <- liftIO $ execute cn "delete from table1 where id = ?" [myId]
case a of
1 -> return ()
_ -> throwE err503