


public class SoftDBObject
  /** A hard reference to the wrapped persistable object. When the object
   *  is persisted in the database. this is null. */
  // I made this "volatile", but I'm not sure if it needs to be. I figure
  // if the finalizer thread needs to set this object, then the current
  // thread should be made aware immediately.
  protected volatile transient O hardRef;

  /** A soft reference to the wrapped object. */
  private transient SoftReference<Holder> softRef;

  /** The unique ID number. */
  protected transient long longID;

  /** This class holds a referent. Upon garbage collection, it checks to
   *  see if the referent persistable is in the database. If not, then it
   *  transfers the wrapped referent value it contains to the hard
   *  reference in the outer class. This ensures that if an object is
   *  deleted from the database, the soft reference will not drop the
   *  object unexpectedly. */
  class Holder
    final O referent;

    public Holder(final O referent)

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable
        // If the object is no longer persisted in the database, transfer
        // the referent to a hard reference in the outer class.
        // Otherwise, allow the soft reference to be reclaimed, along
        // with the referent. We will only need to longID value to
        // recall the object from the database if we need it in the
        // future.
        final O temp=refreshInternal(longID);

  /** This method queries the database, finds the persisted object, and
   *  returns it. If the object was not found, then it returns null. */
  private O refreshInternal(final long longID)
    // it's not important...
    return (O)refreshedObject;

  // Some other non-important stuff...

总而言之,当您最初从数据库中拉下对象时,它被放入 aHolder中,这是 a 的所指对象SoftReferencehardRefnull在此时,并且该long值将用作“锚”以在必要时从数据库中拉下对象。


如果对象仍在数据库中,那么我们可以允许收集所指对象。下次我们需要召回对象时,我们将使用 longID 去获取它。(请注意,如果在那之后,有人删除了它,那么我可以抛出异常)。

  1. 这行得通吗?换句话说,我可以期望 Holder.referent 为非 null 并且能够在没有任何数据竞争的情况下将 hardRef 设置为该值吗?

  2. 我会期望看到任何显着的性能下降吗?我知道 finalize 有一些开销,但只要我不让事情陷入僵局,我认为我们没问题。

我问这个问题是因为每个人似乎都说 finalize() 是邪恶的,我永远不应该使用它。问题是,我只是看不到任何其他方式。


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