I have been working on Wowza Streaming Server and while trying to secure Apple HTTP Live Streaming using AES-128 - external method I am encountering below problems :

  1. External AES-128 method of encryption is not working for .smil files present in the sub-folder of the application's source directory. I tried to achieve it by putting the [my-stream].key in [install-dir]/keys and [install-dir]/keys/[sub-folder-name] but both the scenarios failed for me to achieve this.

playlist url is :- [wowza-server-ip]:[port]/[application-name]/[applcation-instance-name]/smil:[sub-folder]/demo.smil/playlist.m3u8

  1. In case of mp4s present in the application's source path, the player is not calling the key url.

The sequence of calls made by the player are :-

  • [wowza-server-ip]:[port]/crossdomain.xml
  • [wowza-server-ip]:[port]/[application-name]/[applcation-instance-name]/[stream-name]/playlist.m3u8
  • [wowza-server-ip]:[port]/[application-name]/[applcation-instance-name]/[stream-name]/chunklist_w[wowza-session-id].m3u8
  • [web-server-ip]:[port]/crossdomain.xml

After this player is not calling the "key request uri" as it was supposed to call. The calls are going properly when I am using the internal AES-128 method of Encryption.

My chunklist_w[wowza-session-id].m3u8 is










[streamname].key file in [install-dir]/keys folder is

cupertinostreaming-aes128-key: DE51A7254739C0EDF1DCE13BBB308FF0

cupertinostreaming-aes128-url: http://[web-server-ip]:[port]/SimpleWebServlet/key.jsp

jsp file to return the key is key.jsp

<%@ page import="java.util.*,java.io.*" %>
boolean isValid = true;
if (!isValid)
    response.setStatus( 403 );
    response.setHeader("Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream");
    response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");

    String keyStr = "DE51A7254739C0EDF1DCE13BBB308FF0";

    int len = keyStr.length()/2;
    byte[] keyBuffer = new byte[len];  

    for (int i=0;i<len;i++)
        keyBuffer[i] = (byte)Integer.parseInt(keyStr.substring(i*2, (i*2)+2), 16);

    OutputStream outs = response.getOutputStream();

If anybody has encountered the similar problem or has successfully implemented the external aes-128 method of wowza, kindly put some light on the issues mentioned above.


Kindly ignore the 2nd point as after further analysis I found out that there is some issue with the jboss delivering the key, once it delivers the crossdomain xml to the player.

For reference to this problem kindly check : Can I call two crossdomain.xml from two different servers from my flash player?


Apologies for the typo in my first point. It should be .smil rather than .mp4, I have corrected the same in my first point


1 回答 1


我最近用 AES128 试用了 HLS,效果很好。我的密钥文件在[wowzadir]/keys/mystream.key. 看起来是您的播放器在这里没有做某事。你用的是哪个播放器?

您可以尝试使用wget来下载一些块,并且可以使用 VLC 检查它们,例如查看是否应用了加密。

于 2016-03-30T11:53:04.677 回答