Currently, I am using /2/open_events API to get nearby events information by using latitude, longitude and radium as parameter. However, what I want to do is separate the retrieved events information to different categories/topics (eg. Java, football, dance), so is there any way to get event category when I retrieve events information? I checked that there is a category blanket in host group information in the response of this API, which is optional. Unfortunately, most event information I retrieve back does not contain the optional information.

I also tried to use /2/topic_category API, but I have no idea how to match the category information to every event I get from /2/open_events.

So, 1. is there a way to get nearby event information (such as event venue, introduction) together with its category (using latitude, longitude and radium);       2. if 1 is impossible, is there a way to get event category info by using event ID as parameter?

Thanks. Please help me friends.


2 回答 2



相反,您必须执行获取请求(通过他们的 Web 控制台),它将返回完整列表



于 2016-10-17T16:52:15.930 回答

目前,使用第 3 版 API,您可以将“group_topics”添加为字段。


A.) 使用 v3“查找即将发生的事件”API
B.) 使用 v2“打开事件”,然后在每个事件上使用 v3“获取事件”。

于 2018-12-02T11:50:16.083 回答