我通过查看Kaminari 的源代码找到了该方法的定义。
# A simple "Twitter like" pagination link that creates a link to the next page.
# ==== Examples
# Basic usage:
# <%= link_to_next_page @items, 'Next Page' %>
# Ajax:
# <%= link_to_next_page @items, 'Next Page', :remote => true %>
# By default, it renders nothing if there are no more results on the next page.
# You can customize this output by passing a block.
# <%= link_to_next_page @users, 'Next Page' do %>
# <span>No More Pages</span>
# <% end %>
def link_to_next_page(scope, name, options = {}, &block)
params = options.delete(:params) || {}
param_name = options.delete(:param_name) || Kaminari.config.param_name
link_to_unless scope.last_page?, name, params.merge(param_name => (scope.current_page + 1)), options.reverse_merge(:rel => 'next') do
block.call if block