我想知道是否有办法让这段代码更有效率?只是说我对 python 和整个编程有点陌生。任何提示都会很棒。谢谢是提前。

这是我从这里得到任务的地方:http ://www.101computing.net/how-old-is-your-cat/


convertedAge = 0
stage = 0

question = input("Is you cat under 1 year old?.. Y/N")

if ((question.lower() == "y") or (question.lower() == "yes")):
  ageOfCat = int(input("How old is your cat (in months)?")) #cat < 1 year old
  if 1 <= ageOfCat <= 2:
    convertedAge = "9 to 10 months"
  elif ageOfCat == 3:
    convertedAge = "2 to 3 years"
  elif ageOfCat == 4:
    convertedAge = "5 to 6 years"
  elif ageOfCat == 5:
    convertedAge = "8 to 9 years"
  elif ageOfCat == 6:
    convertedAge = "10 years"
  elif 7 <= ageOfCat <= 8:
    convertedAge = "13 years"
  elif 8 <= ageOfCat <= 11:
    convertedAge = "14 years"
  print("In human years your cat is the equivalent of " + str(convertedAge) + " old.")
  ageOfCat = int(input("How old is your cat (in years)?")) #cat > 1 year old
  if ageOfCat == 1:
    convertedAge = 15
  elif ageOfCat == 2:
    convertedAge = 15 + 9
    convertedAge = 15 + 9 + ((ageOfCat-2) * 4)
  print("In human years your cat is the equivalent of " + str(convertedAge) + " years old.")

2 回答 2


首先,您可以尝试使用字典来消除所有这些 if/else 块:

convertedAges = {
    1: "9 to 10 months",
    2: "9 to 10 months",
    3: "2 to 3 years", # and so on


convertedAge = convertedAges[ageOfCat]


if question.lower() in "yes": # "y" is in "yes", so is "yes" (a string is a substring of itself)


于 2016-03-25T01:48:47.307 回答

您可以使用 alist而不是该if结构:

if ((question.lower() == "y") or (question.lower() == "yes")):
    ageOfCat = int(input("How old is your cat (in months)?")) #cat < 1 year old
    ages = [None,
            '9 to 10 months',
            '9 to 10 months',
            '2 to 3 years',
            '5 to 6 years',
            '8 to 9 years',
            '10 years',
            '13 years',
            '13 years',
            '14 years',
            '14 years',
            '14 years']
    convertedAge = ages[ageOfCat]


print("In human years your cat is the equivalent of", convertedAge, "old.")


    ageOfCat = int(input("How old is your cat (in years)?")) #cat > 1 year old
    convertedAge = 15
    if ageOfCat > 1:
        convertedAge += 9
    if ageOfCat > 2:
        convertedAge += (ageOfCat-2) * 4
print("In human years your cat is the equivalent of", convertedAge, "years old.")
于 2016-03-25T01:54:34.883 回答