
我的截屏图片游戏: 在此处输入图像描述


2 回答 2





于 2013-01-31T13:00:04.937 回答

我对其中的大部分内容不以为然——这是我在我的 3D XNA 游戏中使用的,并且它有效。这些评论是相当解释性的。基本上,它Ray从您的光标位置投射一条直线并检查它是否Intersects()是任何地图对象的边界球(Unit在这种情况下为 s )

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a Ray translating screen cursor position into screen position
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="projectionMatrix"></param>
    /// <param name="viewMatrix"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Ray CalculateCursorRay(Matrix projectionMatrix, Matrix viewMatrix)
        // create 2 positions in screenspace using the cursor position. 0 is as
        // close as possible to the camera, 1 is as far away as possible.
        Vector3 nearSource = new Vector3(mousePosition, 0f);
        Vector3 farSource = new Vector3(mousePosition, 1f);

        // use Viewport.Unproject to tell what those two screen space positions
        // would be in world space. we'll need the projection matrix and view
        // matrix, which we have saved as member variables. We also need a world
        // matrix, which can just be identity.
        Vector3 nearPoint = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject(nearSource,
            projectionMatrix, viewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);

        Vector3 farPoint = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject(farSource,
            projectionMatrix, viewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);

        // find the direction vector that goes from the nearPoint to the farPoint
        // and normalize it....
        Vector3 direction = farPoint - nearPoint;

        // and then create a new ray using nearPoint as the source.
        return new Ray(nearPoint, direction);

    private Vector3 cursorRayToCoords(Ray ray, Vector3 cameraPos)
        Nullable<float> distance = ray.Intersects(new Plane(Vector3.Up, 0.0f));
        if (distance == null)
            return Vector3.Zero;
            return cameraPos + ray.Direction * (float)distance;

    public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
        cursorRay = CalculateCursorRay(camera.Projection, camera.View);
        cursorOnMapPos = cursorRayToCoords(cursorRay, cursorRay.Position);


    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the nearest unit to the cursor
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The unit nearest to the cursor</returns>
    private Unit getCursorUnit()
        Unit closestUnit = null;
        float? nearestDistance = null;
        float? checkIntersect = null;

        foreach (Unit unit in map.Units)//checks to see if unit selection
            checkIntersect = cursorRay.Intersects(unit.BoundingSphere);
            if (checkIntersect != null)//if intersection detected
                if (nearestDistance == null) //first unit found
                    closestUnit = unit;
                    nearestDistance = (float)checkIntersect;
                else if ((float)checkIntersect < (float)nearestDistance)//for any others, only find the nearest
                    closestUnit = unit;
                    nearestDistance = (float)checkIntersect;

        return closestUnit;
于 2013-01-31T13:03:41.380 回答