我不知道是根据您所描述的(“最后 6 位数字”)回答还是只是假设这一切都符合您所展示的模式。所以我决定两种方式都回答。
use FileHandle;
my $jpeg_RE = qr{
(.*?) # Anything, watching out for patterns ahead
\s+ # At least one space
(?> http:// ) # Once we match "http://" we're onto the next section
\S*? # Any non-space, watching out for what follows
( (?: \d+ / )* # At least one digit, followed by a slash, any number of times
\d+ # another group of digits
) # end group
\D*? # Any number of non-digits looking ahead
\.jpg # literal string '.jpg'
\s+ # At least one space
(.*) # The rest of the line
my $infile = FileHandle->new( "<$file_in" );
my $outfile = FileHandle->new( ">$file_out" );
while ( my $line = <$infile> ) {
my ( $pre_text, $digits, $post_text ) = ( $line =~ m/$jpeg_RE/ );
$digits =~ s/\D//g;
$outfile->printf( "$pre_text php?id=%s $post_text\n", substr( $digits, -6 ));
use FileHandle;
my $jpeg_RE = qr{
(?> \Qhttp://pics1.riyaj.com/thumbs/\E )
( \d{3} )
( \d{3} )
my $infile = FileHandle->new( "<$file_in" );
my $outfile = FileHandle->new( ">$file_out" );
while ( my $line = <$infile> ) {
$line =~ s/$jpeg_RE/php?id=$1$2/g;
$outfile->print( $line );