If I create a new web profile app, and generate-all, it runs fine in my local and deploys without error to JBoss. But when I try to access the app all URLs return 404. I know the app started up successfully, because it created tables in the database.
Here's what I'm doing.
- grails 3.1.4> create-app demo
- create-domain-class Book
- create-domain-class Author
- Edit domain classes
- generate-all *
- change tomcat dependency from compile to provided in build.gradle
- change dataSource in application.yml to use my JNDI Oracle connection
- Add server: contextPath: /demo to application.yml
- run-app -> Works
- gradle war
- Deploy to JBoss EAP 6.4.0.GA
JBoss says deployment and activation of the app was successful. There are no errors of any sort in any JBoss log file. And dbCreate: update made the DDL changes to my Oracle database, so I know it got that far. But all URLs for the app return 404.