您可以通过将位字符串存储在 trie中来提高发现所有匹配项的效率,其中 trie 节点包含相应的字符串。
与链接示例中的尝试不同,您案例中的每个节点都有 0、1 或 2 个标记为 0 和/或 1 的子节点。
现在,您的案例中的查找移动以自定义方式遍历特里树。对于搜索键中的每个 1,您将搜索 trie 的相应 0 和 1 链接。对于每个 0,仅搜索 0 分支。您找到的节点将正是您想要的节点。
这是一个玩具 C 实现供参考。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
// Simple bit vectors of arbitrary length.
typedef struct {
unsigned n_bits;
unsigned *bits;
void init_bit_vector(BIT_VECTOR *v) {
v->n_bits = 0;
v->bits = NULL;
void setup_bit_vector(BIT_VECTOR *v, unsigned n_bits) {
v->n_bits = n_bits;
v->bits = calloc((n_bits + WORD_BIT - 1) / WORD_BIT, sizeof(unsigned));
void clear_bit_vector(BIT_VECTOR *v) {
v->n_bits = 0;
void set_bit_vector(BIT_VECTOR *v, unsigned *bits, unsigned n_bits) {
unsigned n_words = (n_bits + WORD_BIT - 1) / WORD_BIT;
for (int i = 0; i < n_words; i++) v->bits[i] = bits[i];
v->n_bits = n_bits;
unsigned get_bit(BIT_VECTOR *v, int i) {
unsigned mask = 1u << (i % WORD_BIT);
return !!(v->bits[i / WORD_BIT] & mask);
// A trie map from bit vectors to strings.
typedef struct trie_s {
struct trie_s *b[2];
char *val;
TRIE *make_trie(void) {
TRIE *trie = malloc(sizeof *trie);
trie->b[0] = trie->b[1] = NULL;
trie->val = NULL;
return trie;
// Add a key/value entry to the given trie map.
void put(TRIE *trie, BIT_VECTOR *key, char *val) {
TRIE *p = trie;
for (int i = 0; i < key->n_bits; ++i) {
unsigned bit = get_bit(key, i);
if (!p->b[bit]) p->b[bit] = make_trie();
p = p->b[bit];
p->val = val;
// Recursive search that implements the subset membership check.
static void search(TRIE *trie, BIT_VECTOR *key, int i, char **buf, unsigned *n) {
if (!trie) return;
if (i == key->n_bits) {
if (trie->val) buf[(*n)++] = trie->val;
unsigned bit = get_bit(key, i);
// A standard trie search does this.
search(trie->b[bit], key, i + 1, buf, n);
// But here, add a search of the 0 branch if the key bit is 1.
if (bit) search(trie->b[0], key, i + 1, buf, n);
// Get all entries with keys a subset of the search key.
unsigned get_all(TRIE *trie, BIT_VECTOR *key, char **buf) {
int n = 0;
search(trie, key, 0, buf, &n);
return n;
typedef struct {
unsigned bits;
char *val;
int main(void) {
TRIE *trie = make_trie();
#define N (sizeof data / sizeof data[0])
EXAMPLE_DATA data[] = {
{ 0b00010101, "Hello" },
{ 0b00100100, "Goodbye" },
{ 0b00101101, "Farewell" },
{ 0b01111101, "Whatever"},
BIT_VECTOR key[1];
setup_bit_vector(key, 8);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
set_bit_vector(key, &data[i].bits, 8);
put(trie, key, data[i].val);
unsigned search_val = 0b00110101;
set_bit_vector(key, &search_val, 8);
char *buf[N];
unsigned n = get_all(trie, key, buf);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf(" %s", buf[i]);
return 0;