它只适用于一个参数,我可以为每个参数创建一个组,不包括嵌套函数内部的参数吗?例如,它将匹配:并为:和func1(2 * 7, func2(3, 5))
创建捕获组:2 * 7
func2(3, 5)
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to evaluate and store the result of the given mathematical expression.
/// </summary>
public static bool Evaluate(string expr, ref double result)
expr = expr.ToLower();
// Matches for result identifiers, constants/variables objects, and functions.
MatchCollection results = Calculator.PatternResult.Matches(expr);
MatchCollection objs = Calculator.PatternObjId.Matches(expr);
MatchCollection funcs = Calculator.PatternFunc.Matches(expr);
// Parse the expression for functions.
foreach (Match match in funcs)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Function found. - " + match.Groups[1].Value + "(" + match.Groups[2].Value + ")");
int argCount = 0;
List<string> args = new List<string>();
List<double> argVals = new List<double>();
string funcName = match.Groups[1].Value;
// Ensure the function exists.
if (_Functions.ContainsKey(funcName)) {
argCount = _Functions[funcName].ArgCount;
} else {
Error("The function '"+funcName+"' does not exist.");
return false;
// Create the pattern for matching arguments.
string argPattTmp = funcName + "\\(\\s*";
for (int i = 0; i < argCount; ++i)
argPattTmp += "(..*)" + ((i == argCount - 1) ? ",":"") + "\\s*";
argPattTmp += "\\)";
// Get all of the argument strings.
Regex argPatt = new Regex(argPattTmp);
// Evaluate and store all argument values.
foreach (Group argMatch in argPatt.Matches(match.Value.Trim())[0].Groups)
string arg = argMatch.Value.Trim();
if (arg.Length > 0)
double argVal = 0;
// Check if the argument is a double or expression.
try {
argVal = Convert.ToDouble(arg);
} catch {
// Attempt to evaluate the arguments expression.
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Argument is an expression: " + arg);
if (!Evaluate(arg, ref argVal)) {
Error("Invalid arguments were passed to the function '" + funcName + "'.");
return false;
// Store the value of the argument.
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ArgVal = " + argVal.ToString());
Error("Invalid arguments were passed to the function '" + funcName + "'.");
return false;
// Parse the function and replace with the result.
double funcResult = RunFunction(funcName, argVals.ToArray());
expr = new Regex("\\b"+match.Value+"\\b").Replace(expr, funcResult.ToString());
// Final evaluation.
result = Program.Scripting.Eval(expr);
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
return true;
////////////////////////////////// ---- PATTERNS ---- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
/// <summary>
/// The pattern used for function calls.
/// </summary>
public static Regex PatternFunc = new Regex(@"([a-z][a-z0-9_]*)\((..*)\)");
我要做的就是从表达式中提取2 * 7
和提取,但它也必须适用于具有不同参数计数的函数。如果有办法在不使用正则表达式的情况下做到这一点,那也很好。func2(3, 5)
func1(2 * 7, func2(3, 5))