I found out SKAction playSoundFileNamed does memory leak in IOS 9: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/20014
They recommend to use SKAudioNode, but the example is swift and i use objective-c in my project.
func testAudioNode() {
let audioNode = SKAudioNode(fileNamed: "LevelUp")
audioNode.autoplayLooped = false
let playAction = SKAction.play()
What i have tried:
testSound = [SKAudioNode nodeWithFileNamed:@"test.wav"];
testSound.autoplayLooped = false;
[self addChild:testSound];
SKAction *playaction = [SKAction play];
[testSound runAction:playaction];
It will crash to:
[self addChild:testSound];
So how i would get it work, what is good technique for play sounds with SKAudioNode only in IOS 9> and with SKAction in older versions?