I was searching for a Sudoku app on google play-store and I found this app very interesting. They have various difficulty levels. What I find in this app is they have a hint button and auto error check which will automatically detach whether your entered number is correct or not. Now I want to know how can I create a algorithm which will do the same job about entered number is correct or not. Also how there hint button works?

Edit after Paul's comment: Now I know how to check if the entered value is correct or not. Now the remaining issue is how to provide hint similar to the hints provided by the above mentioned app. When I tab hint buttonWhen I press nextenter image description here

PS: let me know if this question is not constructive for the site. I will happily delete this question because I am not sure about should I put this question here or other stackoverflow community.


1 回答 1


你的问题听起来令人困惑。一方面,您询问如何验证数独位置是否有效,但在示例中,您展示了程序如何帮助找到放置数字的位置(不是检查您的数独,而是采取行动解决一个) .


from collections import Counter

def isValidCounter(cnt):
    del cnt[0]
    for i in cnt:
        if cnt[i] > 1:
            return False
    return True

def isValid(arr):
    M = [[int(i) if i != '.' else 0 for i in line] for line in arr]

    # rows
    for i in M:
        if not isValidCounter(Counter(i)):
            return False

    # columns
    for i in xrange(9):
        if not isValidCounter(Counter(M[j][i] for j in xrange(9))):
            return False

    # squares
    squares = [
        [M[0][i] for i in xrange(0, 3)] + [M[1][i] for i in xrange(0, 3)] + [M[2][i] for i in xrange(0, 3)],
        [M[0][i] for i in xrange(3, 6)] + [M[1][i] for i in xrange(3, 6)] + [M[2][i] for i in xrange(3, 6)],
        [M[0][i] for i in xrange(6, 9)] + [M[1][i] for i in xrange(6, 9)] + [M[2][i] for i in xrange(6, 9)],

        [M[3][i] for i in xrange(0, 3)] + [M[4][i] for i in xrange(0, 3)] + [M[5][i] for i in xrange(0, 3)],
        [M[3][i] for i in xrange(3, 6)] + [M[4][i] for i in xrange(3, 6)] + [M[5][i] for i in xrange(3, 6)],
        [M[3][i] for i in xrange(6, 9)] + [M[4][i] for i in xrange(6, 9)] + [M[5][i] for i in xrange(6, 9)],

        [M[6][i] for i in xrange(0, 3)] + [M[7][i] for i in xrange(0, 3)] + [M[8][i] for i in xrange(0, 3)],
        [M[6][i] for i in xrange(3, 6)] + [M[7][i] for i in xrange(3, 6)] + [M[8][i] for i in xrange(3, 6)],
        [M[6][i] for i in xrange(6, 9)] + [M[7][i] for i in xrange(6, 9)] + [M[8][i] for i in xrange(6, 9)]
    for square in squares:
        if not isValidCounter(Counter(square)):
            return False

    return True


于 2016-03-20T10:09:25.440 回答