I am using AMP (McMyAdmin3) as control panel for my minecraft and the servers are located at a secret address, except my bungeecord (proxy so multiple minecraft servers can be connected) ofcourse. Now I am trying to have a control panel for my admins, but I want them not to see the IP. I was thinking of an SRV record, but I am not sure if this even CAN work or HOW it even works. (Well I have an idea of how it works but I don't know if I am correct)

So I have pointed my domain 'manage.mydomain.com' to the IP I want, I put cloudflare protection on it, so if they resolve the IP, they cannot see the real IP. However, with this done they cannot type in the URL bar 'manage.mydomain.com:[port]' because cloudflare does not allow you to do that, because of the protection. So I tried setting up an SRV record like this:

_mcmyadmin._tcp.manage POINTS TO SRV 0 0 [port] manage.mydomain.com

I waited for 2 days now, and it still did not work, so I am sure that is not the case. Is there any way to make this work? Or is not even possible with domain stuff :p Or is there another way to fix this?

Kind regards, Runefist


2 回答 2


Minecraft SRV 记录是_minecraft._tcp,您不能更改服务名称,否则客户端将无法解析它。

话虽如此,Michael B 是对的,您正在做的是通过默默无闻来实现安全性(众所周知,这不是安全性)。相反,您应该使用iptables阻止除蹦极之外的所有 IP 访问后端。

于 2016-03-18T12:46:35.177 回答

DNS 是互联网的公共电话簿。其目的是获取域名并将其映射到 IP 地址。根本不可能在 DNS 中放入任何内容并对其保密。

当您将地址输入浏览器时,它所做的第一件事就是找出与之关联的 IP 地址。

为了使用 SRV 记录,需要编写使用它的应用程序才能使用它们。除非您自己编写前端,否则很少有应用程序会使用 SRV 记录。您不能只是将数据放在那里并期望它被使用。



于 2016-03-17T08:10:49.573 回答