In my QListWidget, there are some items that have non-default background color, I set them like so inside the custom QListWidget class:

item->setBackgroundColor(qcolor); // item is of type QListWidgetItem*

Those non-default colors that I set are distorted by the QListWidget's selection color. See an example:

enter image description here

Items three and four are supposed to be the same color, but they are not since the item four is selected, and thus the result color is a summation of original color and QListWidget's selection (active item?) color.

My question is how to edit or remove that selection color?

I tried inside my QListWidget (in special slot when I want to change the item's background color):

QPalette pal = this->palette();
pal.setColor(QPalette::Highlight, QColor(255,255,255,0));
this->setPalette(pal); // updated

But it did not produce any effect. what am I doing wrong? Is it a correct variable to set? Do I set it up inside QListWidget or inside its delegate?

Update: I tried using stylesheets as pointed by comment/answer, however, it will not be possible to use them for my application, because the items in my rows have 3 states (so I would need to use three colors). E.g., 3 states that correspond to three colors: pink for active, green for inactive and gray for the rest. When using stylesheets, I cannot set the custom property (let's say QListWidget::item[Inactive="true"]) to a single QListWidgetItem, but for the full QListWidget, and therefore it colors all the rows the same color.

Stylesheets were tried for similar problem here, and didn't work, therefore I make conclusion using stylesheets is not the way to go.

The background change method that I used originally works fine for my purpose, but I cannot figure out how to get rid of the default selection color (transparent light blue) which adds to the background color and produces the mixed color.


2 回答 2



    background: rgb(255,255,255); 
    background: rgb(128,128,255);

::item表示QListWidget中的各个项目,而:selected表示当前选择的QListWidgetItems 。


myList->setProperty( "Custom", "true" );

//  Updates the style.
style->unpolish( myList );
style->polish( myList );


    background: rgb(128,255,128);
于 2016-03-15T18:34:17.360 回答

我通过使用委托找到了合适的解决方案。所以,没有必要使用QPalette; 对于我的问题,样式表将不起作用。当需要根据某些状态将不同的行(QListWidget或)着色为不同的颜色时,此解决方案也将起作用。QTreeWidget


item->setBackgroundColor(qcolor); // change color slot inside QListWidget class


class Delegate : public QStyledItemDelegate {};


void Delegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    if((option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) || (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver))
        // get the color to paint with
        QVariant var = index.model()->data(index, Qt::BackgroundRole);

        // draw the row and its content
        painter->fillRect(option.rect, var.value<QColor>());
        painter->drawText(option.rect, index.model()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString());
        QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index);

    // ... 

当然,不要忘记将 with 关联QListWidget起来Delegate

listWidget->setItemDelegate(new Delegate());
于 2016-04-30T18:05:36.070 回答