我正在尝试在 Scheme 中为一种简单的编程语言编写解释器。现在,我正在编写一个程序来处理带有 break 语句的 while 循环。为了解决这个问题,我使用了 call/cc。
var x = 0;
while (x < 10) {
x = x - 1;
x = x + 100;
return x;
((var x 0) (while (< x 10) (begin (= x (- x 1)) (break) (= x (+ x 100)))) (return x))
(define while_break
(lambda (cond body state)
(lambda (break-cont)
((Mstate_loop (lambda (cond body state)
; Need second loop
(if (eq? (M_Bool cond state) #t)
(lambda (second-break-cont)
((Body_loop (lambda (body_line state)
((null? body_line) (second-break-cont state))
; Conditions to exit the loop
((eq? (first_line body_line) 'break) (second-break-cont state))
; If this is the last line, run it and break
((null? (rest_of_lines body_line)) (second-break-cont (M_State body_line state)))
; Otherwise, run the next line
(else (Body_loop (rest_of_lines body_line) (M_State (first_line body_line) state)))))))
(Body_loop body state))))
(break-cont state)
(Mstate_loop cond body state))
(define first_line car)
(define rest_of_lines cdr)
其中 (M_State 语句 state) 返回当前状态更新以反映语句(例如状态 ((x) (2)) 表示 x = 2。 (M_State '(var x 5) '((x) (2))) 将返回((x)(5))。)
当我将它通过调试器时,行 ((null?body_line) (second-break-cont state)) 总是调用 second-break-cont,即使 body_line 不为空。我花了很多时间调试这个,但似乎找不到错误。任何帮助发现我的错误将不胜感激。