I've been creating CSS/Javascript to style an upcoming site differently on iPhone - mostly to enhance usability. On the desktop app, I use slimbox in combination with mootools for an image gallery. This doesn't work on iPhone because it won't show the image fullscreen (safari chrome gets in the way). The solution I have at the moment is just to display image links.

I was wondering if there is some way to display images fullscreen through Mobile Safari - like the App Store and Photos.app. Anyone found such a solution?


2 回答 2


您可能已经知道这一点 - 但您可以通过以下方式摆脱地址栏: document.body.onload = function(){setTimeout("window.scrollTo(0,1);",100);};

要进一步创建原生应用程序的错觉,您可以禁用滚动: document.body.ontouchmove = function(e){e.preventDefault();};

于 2009-01-17T04:03:00.027 回答

有一个元标记apple-mobile-web-app-capable,您可以使用它以全屏模式启动移动 safari。请记住,用户需要在其主屏幕上添加一个网络书签才能使其正常工作,并且他们单击的任何链接都会发送到常规的移动 Safari,后者会作为新应用程序打开。

于 2008-12-10T19:53:59.560 回答