我对序言很陌生。据我所知,Pure Prolog 仅限于 Horn 子句。这是一个非常简单的序言程序 -

 % student( Snr    , FirstName , LastName   , Semester ).
  student(  1000  , 'Anna'    , 'Arm'      , 'ti2'    ) .
  student(  1001  , 'Rita'    , 'Reich'    , 'ti2'    ) .
  student(  1002  , 'Peter'   , 'Reich'    , 'ti2'    ) .
  student(  1003  , 'Peter'   , 'Petersen' , 'ti7'    ) .

% course( Semester , Course     ) .
  course( 'ti2'    , 'Mathe2'   ) .
  course( 'ti2'    , 'Physics2' ) .
  course( 'ti7'    , 'pdv2'     ) .

 musttake(M,V,N,S,C) :- student(M,V,N,S),  course(S,C).

musttakereverse(M,V,N,S,C) :- course(S,C), student(M,V,N,S).

我的大学幻灯片说,即使我们颠倒 Pure Prolog 规则中目标的顺序,结果的顺序也不应该改变。在上面的代码中,我实现了 2 条规则。musttakemusttakereverse我只是改变了目标的顺序。因此,根据幻灯片,运行时不应更改结果的顺序。但是,当我运行代码时,它们会以不同的顺序给出结果。(根据我的理解,上面的程序在 中pure prolog)。


Goal 中的顺序更改不会更改 Pure Prolog 代码中结果的顺序。



2 回答 2



p(X) :- p123(X), p321(X), p213(X).

p123(1). p123(2). p123(3).

p321(3). p321(2). p321(1).

p213(2). p213(1). p213(3).





于 2016-02-28T13:35:11.830 回答

You are right.

If you use the query


The goal student(M,V,N,S) is satisfied through the first fact, then course(S,C) is satisfied through the 5th fact. If we track the evolution of M, it will have the value 1000.

The next possible answer will come from investigating the last backtrack point which is at course(S,C), not student(M,V,N,S). The value of C is changed through the 6th fact, but the value of M isn't, so M is still 1000 in the second solution.

If you use the other query however:


the goal course(S,C) is satisfied through the 5th fact, then the goal student(M,V,N,S) is satisfied through the first fact, which, once again, gives M the value 1000, but the next solution investigates the last backtrack point, which is, this time, student(M,V,N,S), the 2nd fact is used, and the value of M is 1001.

Prolog uses a depth first search and orders the clauses and goals from the top-down and from left to right, I can only assume that your slides contain a typo. You can read more on the clause and goal ordering here.

于 2016-02-28T11:15:14.160 回答