node.js在web 项目中实现 i18n 有一个相当常见的问题。如果您想这样做,问题似乎更糟:

  1. 使用 Web 组件(如Polymer
  2. 对服务器端和客户端文件使用单个翻译文件
  3. 以编程方式翻译一些项目(如动态创建的字符串)



1 回答 1




+-- app.js
+-- piblic
|   +-- locales
|       +-- app.ru.l20n
|       +-- app.en.l20n
+-- node_models
|   +-- l20n 
+-- bower_components
|   +-- Polymer libraries
+-- app_modules
|   +-- app-l20n-node
|       +-- index.js
+-- app_components
    +-- app-l20n
        +-- app-l20n.html
    +-- app-custom-component
        +-- app-custom-component.html

这个想法很简单:app-l20n-node用作本地化所有服务器端作业的模块,app-l20n是用于用户界面 l10n 的 Polymer 组件。


运行npm install l20n --save
当前版本是 3.5.1,它有一个小错误。l20n 的主文件是./dist/compat/node/l20n.js,它有两个必需的变量,它们不会在代码中的任何地方使用,但可以在启动时破坏您的应用程序,因为它们仅在库的 Devdependencies 中提到。为了避免这种情况,我只是将它们直接注释到库代码中:

//var string_prototype_startswith = require('string.prototype.startswith');
//var string_prototype_endswith = require('string.prototype.endswith');


我在我的/public/locales/文件夹中创建了翻译文件,命名为app.ru.l20napp.en.l20n. 根据 L20n 规则,文件的内容如下所示:

<foo "Foo translation">
<bar "Bar translation">
<register[$variant] {
    infinitive: "Register now!"

Node.js + L20n

现在是时候为 L20n 创建一个节点模块了。在我的情况下,代码app_modules\app-l20n-node\index.js如下:

'use strict';
const L20n = require('l20n');
var path = require('path');

module.exports = function(keys, lang){

    const env = new L20n.Env(L20n.fetchResource);

    // Don't forget nice debug feature of L20n library
    env.addEventListener('*', e => console.log(e));

    // I suppose that I'll always provide locale code for translation, 
    // but if it would not happen, module should use preset 
    var langs = [];
    if(!lang) {   
        // you should define locales here
        langs = [{code: 'ru'}, {code: 'en'}]
    } else {
        langs = [{code: lang}]

    // set context, using path to locale files
    const ctx = env.createContext(langs, 
                    [path.join(__dirname, '../../public/locales/app.{locale}.l20n')]);

    const fv = ctx.formatValues;

    return fv.apply(ctx, keys);

现在我们可以在我们的 node.js 代码中使用这个模块并通过键和语言环境来获取翻译。express-sessions我使用用户定义的语言环境并将其存储为会话属性,而不是硬编码的语言环境req.session.locale。但这一切都取决于项目。

var l20n =  require('../../app_modules/app-l20n-node');

l20n(['foo','bar'], 'en')
        console.log(t); // ["Foo translation", "Bar translation"]

聚合物 + L20n

现在我们应该为 L20n 创建一个 Polymer 组件。
首先,将翻译文件的库和链接添加到您的 html 中<head>

<script src="/node_modules/l20n/dist/compat/web/l20n.js"></script>
<link rel="localization" href="/locales/app.{locale}.l20n">

现在是时候创建一个app-l20n.html具有新行为的 Polymer 组件了。


     * Create namespace for custom behavior or use existing one.
    window.MB = window.MB || {};

    MB.i18n = {

         * Use l20n.js to translate certain strings
         * @param component A Polymer component, usually "this.translate(this, props);"
         * @param props An array of keys to translate: strings or arrays.
        translate: function(component, props) {
            var view = document.l10n;
            var promise = view.formatValues.apply(view, props);
                for (var i in args){

                    var prop = props[i];

                    // strings with parameters represented by arrays: 
                    // ["string", {param: value}]
                    if (Array.isArray(prop)) {

                        // get property name - usually the same, as translation key
                        // so the object would have properties obj.Foo and obj.Bar
                        var propName = prop[0];

                        // if it is needed to create multiple translations of the same 
                        // string in one component, but with different parameters, 
                        // the best way is to use suffix: 
                        // ["string", {param: value}, "_suffix"]
                        if (prop.length == 3) propName = propName + prop[2];

                        component.set(propName, args[i]);

                    // common strings
                    else component.set(prop, args[i]);


不,随着新行为准备就绪,我们可以在自定义的 Polymer 组件中实现它。您可以通过 Polymer Behavior 或使用 L20n 自定义标签属性功能以编程方式获取翻译。

<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/gold-email-input/gold-email-input.html">
<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/paper-button/paper-button.html">

<link rel="import" href="/app_components/app-l20n/app-l20n.html">

<dom-module id="app-custom-component">

        <paper-button onclick="regFormSubmit(event)">
            <iron-icon icon="perm-identity"></iron-icon>
            <span data-l10n-id="Register" data-l10n-args='{"variant": "infinitive"}'></span>
        function regFormSubmit(event){}
            is: 'app-custom-component',
            behaviors: [
            ready: function(){
                this.$.passwordValidator.validate = this._validatePasswords.bind(this);

                // add your component properties to array. They can be simple like in this example, or
                // more complex, with parameters: ["Some_key", {param: "xxx"}].
                // you can even translate the same string in different properties, using custom suffix:
                // ["Some_key", {param: "yyy"}, "_suffix"] and place it in template with shortcut: {{Some_key_suffix}}
                var translateProps = ["Foo", "Bar"];

                // now translate, using behavior
                this.translate(this, translateProps);


于 2016-02-28T00:22:31.373 回答