我已阅读“GtkSharp TreeView 教程”,其中作者描述了如何为基础 ListStore 设置和使用 TreeModelFilter(在教程部分“过滤数据”下)。该技术似乎不适用于底层分层 TreeStore。我想过滤多级 TreeStore 并在 TreeView 中显示结果。它给了我一个真正的困难。是否有任何教程、示例或建议?
以下是代码。它与教程的代码基本相同,除了处理 TreeStore 而不是 ListStore 的构造和填充的更改。{TreeStore 用于保存联系人的“姓名”和“电子邮件地址”,分为(并另存为)根“朋友”和“亲戚”的孩子}
// compilation requires references to:
// gtk-sharp, atk-sharp and glib-sharp
using System;
using Gtk;
public class TreeViewExample
public static void Main()
new TreeViewExample();
Gtk.Entry filterEntry;
Gtk.TreeModelFilter filter;
public TreeViewExample()
// Create a Window
Gtk.Window window = new Gtk.Window("TreeView Example");
window.SetSizeRequest(500, 200);
window.DeleteEvent += delegate { Application.Quit(); };
// Create an Entry used to filter the tree
filterEntry = new Gtk.Entry();
// Fire off an event when the text in the Entry changes
filterEntry.Changed += OnFilterEntryTextChanged;
// Create a nice label describing the Entry
Gtk.Label filterLabel = new Gtk.Label("Search:");
// Put them both into a little box so they show up side by side
Gtk.HBox filterBox = new Gtk.HBox();
filterBox.PackStart(filterLabel, false, false, 5);
filterBox.PackStart(filterEntry, true, true, 5);
// Create our TreeView
Gtk.TreeView tv = new Gtk.TreeView();
// Create a box to hold the Entry and Tree
Gtk.VBox box = new Gtk.VBox();
// Add the widgets to the box
box.PackStart(filterBox, false, false, 5);
box.PackStart(tv, true, true, 5);
//setting up columns and renderers
Gtk.TreeViewColumn nameColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn { Title = "Name" };
Gtk.CellRendererText nameCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
nameColumn.PackStart(nameCell, true);
Gtk.TreeViewColumn emailColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn { Title = "Email" };
Gtk.CellRendererText emailCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
emailColumn.PackStart(emailCell, true);
// Add the columns to the TreeView
// Tell the Cell Renderers which items in the model to display
nameColumn.AddAttribute(nameCell, "text", 0);
emailColumn.AddAttribute(emailCell, "text", 1);
// Create a model that will hold two strings
Gtk.TreeStore contacts = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(string), typeof(string));
// Add some hierarchical data
Gtk.TreeIter treeiter;
//first root
treeiter = contacts.AppendValues("FRIENDS");
// 2 children of first root
contacts.AppendValues(treeiter, "Ogre", "stinky@hotmale.com");
contacts.AppendValues(treeiter, "Bee", "stingy@coolguy.com");
// second root
treeiter = contacts.AppendValues("RELATIVES");
// 3 children of second root
contacts.AppendValues(treeiter, "Mommy", "mother@family.com");
contacts.AppendValues(treeiter, "Daddy", "father@family.com");
contacts.AppendValues(treeiter, "tom", "cousin@family.com");
filter = new Gtk.TreeModelFilter(contacts, null);
// Specify the function that determines which rows to filter out and which ones to display
filter.VisibleFunc = new Gtk.TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc(FilterTree);
// Assign the filter as our treeview's model
tv.Model = filter;
// Show the window and everything on it
private void OnFilterEntryTextChanged(object o, System.EventArgs args)
// Since the filter text changed, tell the filter to re-determine which rows to display
private bool FilterTree(Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreeIter iter)
string contactname = model.GetValue(iter, 0).ToString();
if (filterEntry.Text == "")
return true;
if (contactname.IndexOf(filterEntry.Text) > -1)
return true;
return false;
[我在 windows vista 上使用 mono 2.6.4 /monodevelop 2.4 / gtk-sharp 2.12。]