使用 jquery,我将如何在数组中找到与指定数字最接近的匹配项
1, 3, 8, 10, 13, ...
4 将返回 3
2 将返回 3
5 将返回 3
6 将返回 8
我看到这是用许多不同的语言完成的,但不是在 jquery 中,这可以简单地做到吗
方法循环数组,除了它只是普通的 Javascript。就像是:
var theArray = [ 1, 3, 8, 10, 13 ];
var goal = 4;
var closest = null;
$.each(theArray, function(){
if (closest == null || Math.abs(this - goal) < Math.abs(closest - goal)) {
closest = this;
这是一个通用版本,取自:http ://www.weask.us/entry/finding-closest-number-array
int nearest = -1;
int bestDistanceFoundYet = Integer.MAX_INTEGER;
// We iterate on the array...
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
// if we found the desired number, we return it.
if (array[i] == desiredNumber) {
return array[i];
} else {
// else, we consider the difference between the desired number and the current number in the array.
int d = Math.abs(desiredNumber - array[i]);
if (d < bestDistanceFoundYet) {
// For the moment, this value is the nearest to the desired number...
nearest = array[i];
return nearest;