我正在尝试访问通过 CMIS 与 Alfresco 通信的 Web 服务。我正在访问此链接:http://localhost:8080/Changes/ChangesPDF?filePath=/Documentos/examplepdf.pdf&ticket=TICKET_1dd4951f5d97c72232db40bdc8dceeb7be70aaed
当我启动 Alfresco 时,我可以毫无问题地访问网络服务,但是当我关闭 Alfresco 时 - 它让我在网络服务中未经授权,即使我进行了登录,仍然给我未经授权。
public Session getSession(
String connectionName, String token) {
Session session = connections.get(connectionName);
if (session == null) {
logger.info("Not connected, creating new connection to" +
" Alfresco with the connection id (" + connectionName +
// No connection to Alfresco available, create a new one
SessionFactory sessionFactory =
Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put(SessionParameter.USER, "");
parameters.put(SessionParameter.PASSWORD, token);
parameters.put(SessionParameter.COMPRESSION, "true");
parameters.put(SessionParameter.CACHE_TTL_OBJECTS, "0");
// If there is only one repository exposed (e.g. Alfresco),
// these lines will help detect it and its ID
List<Repository> repositories =
Repository alfrescoRepository = null;
if (repositories != null && repositories.size() > 0) {
logger.info("Found (" + repositories.size() +
") Alfresco repositories");
alfrescoRepository = repositories.get(0);
logger.info("Info about the first Alfresco repo [ID=" +
alfrescoRepository.getId() + "][name=" +
alfrescoRepository.getName() + "][CMIS ver supported=" +
alfrescoRepository.getCmisVersionSupported() + "]");
} else {
throw new CmisConnectionException(
"Could not connect to the Alfresco Server, " +
"no repository found!");
// Create a new session with the Alfresco repository
session = alfrescoRepository.createSession();
// Save connection for reuse
connections.put(connectionName, session);
} else {
logger.info("Already connected to Alfresco with the " +
"connection id (" + connectionName + ")");
return session;
请求处理失败;嵌套异常是 org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions .CmisUnauthorizedException: Unauthorized
"Already connected to Alfresco with the " +
"connection id (" + connectionName + ")"7
如何关闭与 Alfresco 的旧连接?