在我覆盖UICollectionViewFlowLayout它后显示 3 个警告,如下所示

  • 仅记录一次 UICollectionViewFlowLayout 缓存不匹配的帧

  • UICollectionViewFlowLayout已缓存索引路径 {length = 2, path = 0 - 1} 的帧不匹配 - 缓存值:{{145, 0}, {130, 130}};期望值:{{5, 141}, {130, 130}}

  • 这可能是因为流布局子类 FullyHorizo​​ntalFlowLayout 正在修改返回的属性UICollectionViewFlowLayout而不复制它们

我使用 ' FullyHorizontalFlowLayout' 使 i 单元格从左到右排列(原来是从上到下)。下面是我的“ layoutAttributesForElementsInRect”代码

CGFloat newX = MIN(0, rect.origin.x - rect.size.width/2);
CGFloat newWidth = rect.size.width*2 + (rect.origin.x - newX);

CGRect newRect = CGRectMake(newX, rect.origin.y, newWidth, rect.size.height);

// Get all the attributes for the elements in the specified frame
NSArray *allAttributesInRect = [super layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:newRect];

for (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *attr in allAttributesInRect) {
    UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *newAttr = [self layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath:attr.indexPath];

    attr.frame = newAttr.frame;

    attr.center = newAttr.center;
    attr.bounds = newAttr.bounds;
    attr.hidden = newAttr.hidden;
    attr.size = newAttr.size;

return allAttributesInRect;

1 回答 1



NSArray *superArray = [super layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:rect];
NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:superArray copyItems:YES];
于 2016-05-19T02:25:38.060 回答