我是二元决策图 (BDD) 的新手,当我在已知变量值后尝试简化/重新计算 BDD 时,我被卡住了。

编程语言是 Java,使用的 BDD 包是 JavaBDD。


import net.sf.javabdd.BDD;
import net.sf.javabdd.BDDFactory;

public class run {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        print("A program to familize myself with BDD");
        print("Program ended");


    private static void runSimplifyBDD() {
        BDDFactory B;
        B = BDDFactory.init(1000, 1000);
        BDD v1 = B.nithVar(1);
        BDD v2 = B.ithVar(2);
        BDD v3 = B.ithVar(3);
        BDD v4 = B.ithVar(4);
        BDD v5 = B.ithVar(5);
        BDD v6 = B.ithVar(6);
        BDD v7 = B.ithVar(7);

        BDD a = v1.xor(v2).not();
        BDD b = v2.xor(v3).not();
        BDD c = (a.xor(b)).not();
        BDD d = v4.xor(v5).not().xor(v6);
        BDD e = v6.xor(v7).not();
        BDD f = d.xor(e).not();

        BDD g = c.xor(f);

        g.printDot(); //first graph diagram
        /* At this point
         * let say we know the BDD variable v1 = One (true)
         * What is the code that should be inserted to simplify the BDD 
         * so that second graph is like the attached image

        g.printDot(); //second graph diagram


    private static void print(String string) {



在注释中应该插入什么代码,以便在第二张图中消除变量 v1,就像在图像中一样。

图1 图2

graphviz 工具(1.02 版)用于通过复制/粘贴来自的输出来生成图像g.printDot();


2 回答 2


我不熟悉 JavaBDD,但熟悉许多其他 BDD 包。您需要的是撰写功能:http: //javabdd.sourceforge.net/apidocs/net/sf/javabdd/BDDFactoryIntImpl.IntBDD.html#compose%28net.sf.javabdd.BDD,%20int%29

public BDD compose(BDD g,
                   int var)

这将替换表达式 g 的变量 var。在您的情况下,变量是 v1,表达式是 True。所以

h = g.compose(One,1);

应该做你想做的。(我不确定 JavaBDD 中常量 True BDD 的名称是什么,我假设为 One)。

于 2016-02-02T13:18:40.237 回答


   //..............omitted lines..........

            g.printDot(); //first graph diagram
            /* At this point
             * let say we know the BDD variable v1 = One (true)
             * What is the code that should be inserted to simplify the BDD 
             * so that second graph is like the attached image

            g.restrictWith(v1); //added line - use 'g.restrictWith(v1.not());' for negative restriction

            g.printDot(); //second graph diagram



于 2016-02-03T11:51:46.363 回答