我从 cocos2d+chipmunk 模板中复制了花栗鼠文件夹结构并构建好了。
- “src”文件夹的类/Chipmunk/include/src
- “包含”文件夹的类/Chipmunk/chipmunk
感谢 Beta 提供的帮助。
我下载了花栗鼠 5.3.1 并尝试了一个简单的例子,但我收到了这个编译错误:
Undefined symbols:
"_cpSpaceStep", referenced from:
-[ChipmunkTestViewController delta:] in ChipmunkTestViewController.o
"_cpBodyNew", referenced from:
-[ChipmunkTestViewController configurarChipmunk] in ChipmunkTestViewController.o
"_cpSpaceAddShape", referenced from:
-[ChipmunkTestViewController configurarChipmunk] in ChipmunkTestViewController.o
"_cpSpaceAddBody", referenced from:
-[ChipmunkTestViewController configurarChipmunk] in ChipmunkTestViewController.o
"_cpSpaceHashEach", referenced from:
-[ChipmunkTestViewController delta:] in ChipmunkTestViewController.o
"_cpInitChipmunk", referenced from:
-[ChipmunkTestViewController configurarChipmunk] in ChipmunkTestViewController.o
"_cpCircleShapeNew", referenced from:
-[ChipmunkTestViewController configurarChipmunk] in ChipmunkTestViewController.o
"_cpSpaceNew", referenced from:
-[ChipmunkTestViewController configurarChipmunk] in ChipmunkTestViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
我不确定是否要正确添加 Chipmunk 库,我必须包括哪些来自 chipmunk .tgz 的来源?
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "chipmunk.h"
@interface ChipmunkTestViewController : UIViewController {
UIImageView *barra;
UIImageView *esfera;
cpSpace *space;
- (void) configurarChipmunk;
- (void) delta:(NSTimer *)timer;
void updateShape(void *ptr, void *unused);
#import "ChipmunkTestViewController.h"
@implementation ChipmunkTestViewController
- (void) configurarChipmunk {
cpInitChipmunk(); // Init Chipmunk engine
space = cpSpaceNew(); // Create new Space
space->gravity = cpv(0, -100); // Direcction and magnitude of gravity in Space
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0f/60.0f target:self selector:@selector(delta:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; // NSTimer for animations
// Create esfera Body
cpBody *esferaBody = cpBodyNew(50.0f, INFINITY);
esferaBody->p = cpv(160,250);
// Create esfera Shape
cpShape *esferaShape = cpCircleShapeNew(esferaBody, 15.0f, cpvzero);
esferaShape->e = 0.5f; // Elasticity
esferaShape->u = 0.8f; // Friction
esferaShape->data = esfera; // UIImageView association
esferaShape->collision_type = 1;
cpSpaceAddBody(space, esferaBody);
cpSpaceAddShape(space, esferaShape);
- (void) delta:(NSTimer *)timer {
cpSpaceStep(space, 1.0f/60.0f); // Refresh Space info
cpSpaceHashEach(space->activeShapes, &updateShape, nil); // Refresh Shapes info
void updateShape(void *ptr, void *unused) {
cpShape *shape = (cpShape*)ptr;
if (shape == nil || shape->body == nil || shape->data == nil) {
NSLog(@"Invalid Shape...");
// Refresh Shape position
if ([(UIView*)shape->data isKindOfClass:[UIView class]]) {
[(UIView*)shape->data setCenter:CGPointMake(shape->body->p.x, 480 - shape->body->p.y)];
} else {
NSLog(@"Shape updated outside updateShape function...");
// Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
barra = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"barra.png"]];
barra.center = CGPointMake(160, 350);
esfera = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"esfera.png"]];
esfera.center = CGPointMake(160, 230);
[self.view addSubview:barra];
[self.view addSubview:esfera];
[self.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
[self configurarChipmunk];