I am new in the world of OpenMDAO (and also on Python) and I am having some problems to understand the use of the software. I have already installed Anaconda (pyth v2.7) and the OpenMDAO, but I don't know how to run it. I am following this tutorial but I am not sure if I am doing it properly. I write the .py files in notepad++, and I try to run on the IPython but when I use the command : from paraboloid import Paraboloid it appears an error : No module named.api. I think that maybe I am not using the correct path (I'm in the folder where I have the .py files). Probably it's an stupid error, so sorry for the question.

Thank you all, Jose M O


1 回答 1


如果您上面的教程链接是正确的,我看到您正在使用 OpenMDAO 0.1.0 的教程。该版本目前已有 5.5 年历史,不再受支持。我们很乐意帮助您解决问题,但为了获得更好的基础和更有用的工具,请考虑:

  1. 安装 OpenMDAO 1.5.0(pip install openmdao或阅读这些安装文档

  2. 试试这个抛物面教程



注意:如果您安装了 OpenMDAO 1.xx 并使用 0.1.0 中的教程,则 api 导入会遇到很多问题,因为自 0.1.0 以来很多事情都发生了变化。

于 2016-01-26T14:34:22.563 回答