我正在尝试使用 QSharedmemory 在两个进程之间传递多个图像(实际上是一个视频)。目前我正在序列化 QImages 的 QVector 并将其复制到内存中。这可行,但序列化步骤需要大约 99% 的时间。我怎样才能以独立于平台的方式更快地做到这一点?


int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
QObject *parent;

QString program = "python";
QStringList arguments;
QString programPath(PYSOURCE);
arguments << "-u" << programPath+QString("/test.py");
qDebug() << arguments;

QProcess *pyProcess = new QProcess();
pyProcess->start(program, arguments);

QVector<QImage> images;
//.. fill with some images

auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
QBuffer buffer;
QDataStream out(&buffer);

// this takes extremely long ~44s for 80mb
out << images;

int size = buffer.size();

QSharedMemory sharedMemory("process_example");
if (!sharedMemory.create(size)) {
    qDebug() << "Unable to create shared memory segment.";
    return 0;

qDebug() << "sizeof mem: " << sharedMemory.size() << "bufsize:" << buffer.size();

char *to = (char*)sharedMemory.data();
const char *from = buffer.data().data();
memcpy(to, from, qMin(sharedMemory.size(), size));


qDebug() << "image copied to shared memory";
auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now() - start);
qDebug() << "duration:" << duration.count() << "ms";

while (pyProcess->waitForReadyRead(-1)){
QByteArray newData = pyProcess->readAllStandardOutput();
QString result = QString::fromLocal8Bit(newData);


return 0;

3 回答 3



buffer.buffer ().resize (100000000);


于 2016-01-20T14:42:48.637 回答

尝试使用QImage.save将其保存QByteArray为“PNG”,然后将数据从该文件复制到QSharedMemory带有 memcpy 的文件中。


于 2016-01-21T14:34:14.920 回答



//The image-file names are stored in a QStringList object
void SendImage(QStringList fileList)
    if (sharedMemory.isAttached())
    int count = fileList.count();
    int totalSize = 0;
    QList<QImage> images;
    //Load the images
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        QImage image(fileList.at(i));
        totalSize += image.sizeInBytes();
    //Total size needed for shared memory
    totalSize += (count * 5 + 1) * sizeof(int);
    if (!sharedMemory.create(totalSize)) {
        throw QString( "Shared memory cannot be allocated!");
    //to points to the target space to write
    uchar *to = (uchar *)sharedMemory.data();
    //from points to the source to write
    uchar *from = (uchar *)&count;
    //Write the count of the images from the first byte of the shared memory
    memcpy(to, from, sizeof(int));
    //Move the pointer forward
    to += sizeof(int);
    //Write the images one by one
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        //Write the total size of the image and move the pointer forward
        int sizeInBytes = images.at(i).sizeInBytes();
        from = (uchar *)&sizeInBytes;
        memcpy(to, from ,sizeof(int));
        to += sizeof(int);
        //Write the width of the image and move the pointer forward
        int width = images.at(i).width();
        from = (uchar *)&width;
        memcpy(to, from ,sizeof(int));
        to += sizeof(int);
        //Write the height of the image and move the pointer forward
        int height = images.at(i).height();
        from = (uchar *)&height;
        memcpy(to, from ,sizeof(int));
        to += sizeof(int);
        //Write the image format of the image and move the pointer forward
        int imageFormat =  (int)images.at(i).format() ;
        from = (uchar *)&imageFormat;
        memcpy(to, from ,sizeof(int));
        to += sizeof(int);
        //Write the bytes per line of the image and move the pointer forward
        int bytesPerLine = images.at(i).bytesPerLine();
        from = (uchar *)&bytesPerLine;
        memcpy(to, from ,sizeof(int));
        to += sizeof(int);
        //Write the raw data of the image and move the pointer forward
        from = (uchar *)images.at(i).bits();
        memcpy(to, from, sizeInBytes);
        to += sizeInBytes;


QList<QImage> * FetchImages()
    QList<QImage> * imageList = new QList<QImage>;
    if (!sharedMemory.attach())
        throw QString("The shared memory cannot be attached!");
        return imageList;
    //from points to the first byte of the shared memory
    uchar * from = (uchar *)sharedMemory.data();
    //Get the count of the images and move the pointer forward
    int count;
    count = *(int *)from;
    from += sizeof(int);
    //Get the images one by one
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        //Get the size of the image and move the pointer forward
        int sizeInBytes = *(int *)from;
        from += sizeof(int);
        //Get the width of the image and move the pointer forward
        int width = *(int *)from;
        from += sizeof(int);
        //Get the height of the image and move the pointer forward
        int height  = *(int *)from;
        from += sizeof(int);
        //Get the image format of the image and move the pointer forward
        int imageFormat = *(int *)from;
        from += sizeof(int);
        ////Get the bytes per line of the image and move the pointer forward
        int bytesPerLine = *(int *)from;
        from += sizeof(int);

        //Generate an image using the raw data and move the pointer forward
        QImage image(from, width, height, bytesPerLine, (QImage::Format)imageFormat);
        from += sizeInBytes;
        //It is very important here and I spent much time.
        //A new image object "image1" must be deeply copied from "image" before appended to the imageList.
        //Because the raw data of "image" use the space of the shared memory, which will not be accessed after the shared memory is detached.
        //The raw data of the newly constructed "image1" use the memory of its own process.
        QImage image1 = image.copy(0, 0, width, height);
        imageList -> append(image1);

    return imageList;
于 2021-07-31T04:46:57.827 回答