I've used the pseudocode from Wikipedia in an attempt to write a KMP algorithm in Haskell.
It's giving "index out of bounds" when I try to search beyond the length of the pattern and I can't seem to find the issue; my "fixes" have only ruined the result.
import Control.Monad
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
(!) :: C.ByteString -> Int -> Char
(!) = C.index
-- Make the table for the KMP. Directly from Wikipedia. Works as expected for inputs from Wikipedia article.
mkTable :: C.ByteString -> V.Vector Int
mkTable pat = make 2 0 (ix 0 .~ (negate 1) $ V.replicate l 0)
l = C.length pat
make :: Int -> Int -> V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Int
make p c t
| p >= l = t
| otherwise = proc
proc | pat ! (p-1) == pat ! c
= make (p+1) (c+1) (ix p .~ (c+1) $ t)
| c > 0 = make p (t V.! c) t
| otherwise = make (p+1) c (ix p .~ 0 $ t)
kmp :: C.ByteString -> C.ByteString -> V.Vector Int -> Int
kmp text pat tbl = search 0 0
l = C.length text
search m i
| m + i >= l = l
| otherwise = cond
-- The conditions for the loop, given in the wiki article
cond | pat ! i == text ! (m+i)
= if i == C.length pat - 1
then m
else search m (i+1)
| tbl V.! i > (-1)
= search (m + i - (tbl V.! i)) (tbl V.! i)
| otherwise
= search 0 (m+1)
main :: IO()
main = do
t <- readLn
replicateM_ t $ do
text <- C.getLine
pat <- C.getLine
putStrLn $ kmp text pat (mkTable pat)