我仍然没有找到使用 R 中可用的 rgdal 包从 PostGIS 获取所需数据的方法。可能是因为我的操作系统问题。(我不确定,因为我不是专家)。但我找到了 rgdal 的替代品,它完全符合我的要求。代码如下:
# Load data from the PostGIS server
conn = dbConnect(
dbDriver("PostgreSQL"), dbname="dbNAME", host="localhost", port=5432,
user="username", password="pw"
strSQL = "SELECT osm_id, name, area, highway, railway, place, ST_AsText(way) AS wkt_geometry FROM table"
df = dbGetQuery(conn, strSQL)
#Geomtery column as R list
geo_col = df$wkt_geometry
polygon_list = suppressWarnings(lapply(geo_col, function(x){
x <- gsub("POLYGON\\(\\(", "", x)
x <- gsub("\\)", "", x)
x <- strsplit(x, ",")[[1]]
#Now each polygon has been parsed by removing POLYGON(( from the start and )) from the end
#Now for each POLYGON its xValues and yValues are to be extracted to for Polygon object
xy <- strsplit(x, " ")
v_xy = suppressWarnings(sapply(xy, function(p){
xValue = p[1]
yValue = p[2]
vec = c(xValue, yValue)
#Now we have all x values in first column of v_xy and all y values in second column of v_xy
#Let us make the Polygon object now
p_xvalues = as.numeric(v_xy[1, ])
p_yvalues = as.numeric(v_xy[2, ])
p_object <- Polygon(cbind(p_xvalues, p_yvalues))
#Now we have all of the polygons in polygon object format
#Let us join it with main data frame, i.e. df
df$object_polygon <- polygon_list
#Now Let us form SpatialPolygons() object out of it
Ps_list = list()
for (i in seq(nrow(df))) {
Ps_list[[i]] <- Polygons(polygon_list[i], ID=df[i,][1])
SPs = SpatialPolygons(Ps_list)
#Now FINALY its the time to form SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
row.names(df) = df$osm_id
SPDF = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr = SPs, data = df[, 1:6], match.ID = TRUE)
因此,基本上我必须编写一个解析器来获取 readOGR() 一行所需的数据。