从 okHttp 源代码来看,当 call.execute() 被调用时,主体从服务器传输到客户端。这是没有意义的,因为无法为 okio 设置截止日期,这意味着我不能给整个请求超时,而只有 readTimeout 和 connectTimeout 才有效,直到第一个字节准备好读取。
没有办法为整个请求指定最后期限。您应该对此提出功能请求!OkHttp 对 Okio 的使用是其差异化功能之一,通过 OkHttp 的 API 公开更多 Okio 功能是为 OkHttp 的用户提供更多权力的好方法。
这是 okhttp ( https://github.com/square/okhttp/issues/2840 ) 的下一个版本的计划,但现在我们通过在我们的 Call 中子类化成功实现了请求和响应正文读取的截止日期生产应用:
package com.pushd.util;
import android.support.annotation.NonNull;
import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import okhttp3.Call;
import okhttp3.Callback;
import okhttp3.MediaType;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.Response;
import okhttp3.ResponseBody;
import okhttp3.internal.http2.StreamResetException;
import okio.Buffer;
import okio.BufferedSource;
import okio.ForwardingSource;
import okio.Okio;
* An okhttp3.Call with a deadline timeout from the start of isExecuted until ResponseBody.source() is closed or unused.
public class DeadlineCall implements Call {
private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DeadlineCall.class.getName());
private static AtomicInteger sFutures = new AtomicInteger();
private static final ScheduledExecutorService sHTTPCancelExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactory() {
public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
Thread t = new Thread(r, "DeadlineCallCancel");
return t;
private final Call mUnderlying;
private final int mDeadlineTimeout;
private volatile ScheduledFuture mDeadline;
private volatile boolean mDeadlineHit;
private volatile boolean mCancelled;
private volatile BufferedSource mBodySource;
DeadlineCall(Call underlying, int deadlineTimeout) {
mUnderlying = underlying;
mDeadlineTimeout = deadlineTimeout;
* Factory wrapper for OkHttpClient.newCall(request) to create a new DeadlineCall scheduled to cancel its underlying Call after the deadline.
* @param client
* @param request
* @param deadlineTimeout in ms
* @return Call
public static DeadlineCall newDeadlineCall(@NonNull OkHttpClient client, @NonNull Request request, int deadlineTimeout) {
final Call underlying = client.newCall(request);
return new DeadlineCall(underlying, deadlineTimeout);
* Shuts down thread that cancels calls when their deadline is hit.
public static void shutdownNow() {
public Request request() {
return mUnderlying.request();
* Response MUST be closed to clean up deadline even if body is not read, e.g. on !isSuccessful
* @return
* @throws IOException
public Response execute() throws IOException {
try {
return wrapResponse(mUnderlying.execute());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw wrapIfDeadline(e);
* Deadline is removed when onResponse returns unless response.body().source() or a method using
* it is called synchronously from onResponse to indicate caller's committment to close it themselves.
* This includes peekBody so prefer DeadlineResponseBody.peek unless you explicitly close after peekBody.
* @param responseCallback
public void enqueue(final Callback responseCallback) {
mUnderlying.enqueue(new Callback() {
public void onFailure(Call underlying, IOException e) {
cancelDeadline(); // there is no body to read so no need for deadline anymore
responseCallback.onFailure(DeadlineCall.this, wrapIfDeadline(e));
public void onResponse(Call underlying, Response response) throws IOException {
try {
responseCallback.onResponse(DeadlineCall.this, wrapResponse(response));
if (mBodySource == null) {
cancelDeadline(); // remove deadline if body was never opened
} catch (IOException e) {
throw wrapIfDeadline(e);
private IOException wrapIfDeadline(IOException e) {
if (mDeadlineHit && isCancellationException(e)) {
return new DeadlineException(e);
return e;
public class DeadlineException extends IOException {
public DeadlineException(Throwable cause) {
* Wraps response to cancelDeadline when response closed and throw correct DeadlineException when deadline happens during response reading.
* @param response
* @return
private Response wrapResponse(final Response response) {
return response.newBuilder().body(new DeadlineResponseBody(response)).build();
public class DeadlineResponseBody extends ResponseBody {
private final Response mResponse;
DeadlineResponseBody(final Response response) {
mResponse = response;
public MediaType contentType() {
return mResponse.body().contentType();
public long contentLength() {
return mResponse.body().contentLength();
* @return the body source indicating it will be closed later by the caller to cancel the deadline
public BufferedSource source() {
if (mBodySource == null) {
mBodySource = Okio.buffer(new ForwardingSource(mResponse.body().source()) {
public long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) throws IOException {
try {
return super.read(sink, byteCount);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw wrapIfDeadline(e);
public void close() throws IOException {
return mBodySource;
* @return the body source without indicating it will be closed later by caller, e.g. to peekBody on unsucessful requests
public BufferedSource peekSource() {
return mResponse.body().source();
* Copy of https://square.github.io/okhttp/3.x/okhttp/okhttp3/Response.html#peekBody-long- that uses peekSource() since Response class is final
* @param byteCount
* @return
* @throws IOException
public ResponseBody peek(long byteCount) throws IOException {
BufferedSource source = peekSource();
Buffer copy = source.buffer().clone();
// There may be more than byteCount bytes in source.buffer(). If there is, return a prefix.
Buffer result;
if (copy.size() > byteCount) {
result = new Buffer();
result.write(copy, byteCount);
} else {
result = copy;
return ResponseBody.create(mResponse.body().contentType(), result.size(), result);
private void startDeadline() {
mDeadline = sHTTPCancelExecutorService.schedule(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mDeadlineHit = true;
mUnderlying.cancel(); // calls onFailure or causes body read to throw
LOGGER.fine("Deadline hit for " + request()); // should trigger a subsequent wrapIfDeadline but if we see this log line without that it means the caller orphaned us without closing
}, mDeadlineTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
LOGGER.fine("started deadline for " + request());
if (sFutures.incrementAndGet() == 1000) {
LOGGER.warning("1000 pending DeadlineCalls, may be leaking due to not calling close()");
private void cancelDeadline() {
if (mDeadline != null) {
mDeadline = null;
LOGGER.fine("canceled deadline for " + request());
} else {
LOGGER.info("deadline already canceled for " + request());
public void cancel() {
mCancelled = true;
// should trigger onFailure or raise from execute or responseCallback.onResponse which will cancelDeadline
public boolean isExecuted() {
return mUnderlying.isExecuted();
public boolean isCanceled() {
return mCancelled;
public Call clone() {
return new DeadlineCall(mUnderlying.clone(), mDeadlineTimeout);
private static boolean isCancellationException(IOException e) {
// okhttp cancel from HTTP/2 calls
if (e instanceof StreamResetException) {
switch (((StreamResetException) e).errorCode) {
case CANCEL:
return true;
// https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/okhttp/+/master/okhttp/src/main/java/com/squareup/okhttp/Call.java#281
if (e instanceof IOException &&
e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().equals("Canceled")) {
return true;
return false;
请注意,我们还有一个单独的拦截器来超时 DNS,因为即使我们的截止日期也不包括:
* Based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/693997/how-to-set-httpresponse-timeout-for-android-in-java/31643186#31643186
* as per https://github.com/square/okhttp/issues/95
private static class DNSTimeoutInterceptor implements Interceptor {
long mTimeoutMillis;
public DNSTimeoutInterceptor(long timeoutMillis) {
mTimeoutMillis = timeoutMillis;
public Response intercept(final Chain chain) throws IOException {
Request request = chain.request();
Log.SplitTimer timer = (request.tag() instanceof RequestTag ? ((RequestTag) request.tag()).getTimer() : null);
// underlying call should timeout after 2 tries of 5s: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bionic/+/android-5.1.1_r38/libc/dns/include/resolv_private.h#137
// could use our own Dns implementation that falls back to public DNS servers: https://garage.easytaxi.com/tag/dns-android-okhttp/
if (!DNSResolver.isDNSReachable(request.url().host(), mTimeoutMillis)) {
throw new UnknownHostException("DNS timeout");
return chain.proceed(request);
private static class DNSResolver implements Runnable {
private String mDomain;
private InetAddress mAddress;
public static boolean isDNSReachable(String domain, long timeoutMillis) {
try {
DNSResolver dnsRes = new DNSResolver(domain);
Thread t = new Thread(dnsRes, "DNSResolver");
return dnsRes.get() != null;
} catch(Exception e) {
return false;
public DNSResolver(String domain) {
this.mDomain = domain;
public void run() {
try {
InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(mDomain);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
public synchronized void set(InetAddress inetAddr) {
this.mAddress = inetAddr;
public synchronized InetAddress get() {
return mAddress;