11 3
2 3
0 3
1 4
5 4
5 7
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
6 11
7 11
. 我作为目标路径得到的解决方案是,0-3-11-7-5-4-1
. 我在这里的目的不是展示最佳解决方案,而是展示它们有多少个解决方案,然后再分析最佳解决方案。
public class DepthFirstSearch {
private final boolean[] visited;
private final int sourceNode;
private final int[] pathTo;
* @param mazeGraph
* @param sourceNode
* @param goal
public DepthFirstSearch(MazeGraph mazeGraph, int sourceNode, int goal) {
this.sourceNode = sourceNode;
visited = new boolean[mazeGraph.node];
pathTo = new int[mazeGraph.node];
performRecursiveDFS(mazeGraph, sourceNode, goal);
//Perform recursive depth-first search
private void performRecursiveDFS(MazeGraph mazeGraph, int node, int goal) {
visited[node] = true;
for (int arc : mazeGraph.getAdjacencyList(node)) {
if (!visited[arc]) {
pathTo[arc] = node;
performRecursiveDFS(mazeGraph, arc, goal);
//Put path to goal in the stack
public Stack<Integer> pathTo(int toGoalNode) {
if (!visited[toGoalNode]) {
return null;
Stack<Integer> pathStack = new Stack<Integer>();
for (int pathToGoalNode = toGoalNode; pathToGoalNode != sourceNode; pathToGoalNode = pathTo[pathToGoalNode]) {
return pathStack;
//Reverse the stack
public void reverseStack(Stack<Integer> stackToBeReverse) {
if (stackToBeReverse.isEmpty()) {
int bottom = popBottomStack(stackToBeReverse);
//Pop the bottom of the stack
private int popBottomStack(Stack<Integer> stackToBeReverse) {
int popTopStack = stackToBeReverse.pop();
if (stackToBeReverse.isEmpty()) {
return popTopStack;
} else {
int bottomStack = popBottomStack(stackToBeReverse);
return bottomStack;
//Print the path to goal
public void printPath( int toGoal) {
if (visited[toGoal]) {
out.println("Path to Goal: ");
for (int x : pathTo(toGoal)) {
if (x == toGoal) {
} else {
out.print(x + " - ");
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanFile = new Scanner(in);
out.print("Enter maze file: ");
String file = scanFile.nextLine();
out.print("Enter start node: ");
int startNode = scanFile.nextInt();
out.print("Enter goal node: ");
int goalNode = scanFile.nextInt();
MazeGraph mazeGraph = new MazeGraph(file);
out.println("Starting at 0\nGoal at 1");
DepthFirstSearch depthFirstSearch = new DepthFirstSearch(mazeGraph, startNode, goalNode);
depthFirstSearch.printPath( goalNode);
public class MazeGraph {
final int node; //Declaring constant value of a node.
int arc;
List<Integer>[] adjacencyList;
final static Set<Integer> setOfNodes = new HashSet<Integer>();
* This constructors takes an integer parameter for reading node indexes in
* a list of adjacent nodes.
* @param node - integer parameter for passing the nodes value from the file
* and create a list of adjacent nodes.
MazeGraph(int node) {
this.node = node;
this.arc = 0;
adjacencyList = (List<Integer>[]) new List[node];
for (int index = 0; index < node; index++) {
adjacencyList[index] = new LinkedList<Integer>();
* The main constructor that takes a String for reading maze file.
* @param mazeFile
public MazeGraph(String mazeFile) {
Scanner scan;
try {
//Scan maze file.
scan = new Scanner(new File(mazeFile));
/*loop when it has next integer then read two nodes from the file and add arc for it.*/
while (scan.hasNextInt()) {
int node1 = scan.nextInt();
int node2 = scan.nextInt();
addArc(node1, node2);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
out.println("File not found.");
* This method returns a size of the set of nodes by taking a String
* parameter which the name of the maze file.
* @param mazeFile - String parameter for reading maze file for scanning the
* size of the nodes.
* @return - returns an integer value for the size of the set of nodes.
public static int getNodeSize(String mazeFile) {
Scanner scanNodeSize;
try {
scanNodeSize = new Scanner(new File(mazeFile));
while (scanNodeSize.hasNextInt()) {
int node1 = scanNodeSize.nextInt();
int node2 = scanNodeSize.nextInt();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return setOfNodes.size();
* This method adds an arc by adding two different nodes in array of list
* called adjacency list.
* @param node1 - first node.
* @param node2 - next node.
private void addArc(int node1, int node2) {
arc++; //Increase arc by one whenever this addArc method is called.
* Print the nodes and its arcs by looping through the adjacency list.
public void print() {
out.println(node + " Nodes, " + arc + " Arcs \n");
for (int n = 0; n < node; n++) {
out.print(n + " connected to ");
for (int w : adjacencyList[n]) {
out.print(w + " ");
* This method returns a list of nodes to allow objects to be the target for
* "for-each" statement.
* @param nodes - an Integer parameter for getting the number of nodes in a
* list.
* @return - returns a list of nodes.
public Iterable<Integer> getAdjacencyList(int nodes) {
return adjacencyList[nodes];
* Unit testing To test if it reads the file.
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
out.print("Enter maze file: ");
Scanner scanFile = new Scanner(in);
String file = scanFile.nextLine();
MazeGraph G = new MazeGraph(file);