按照此读卡器项目中描述的例程,并使用此 AID 列表,我能够读取 VISA 卡,而强制使用 AID 列表没有任何问题。现在我在阅读来自德国的 EC-Karten (Sparkasse Girocard) 时遇到了问题。
当我尝试强制读取 AID 列表时,使用
foreach (byte[] aid in aidList) { byte[] atrValue = this.cardUpdater.GetAttribute(SCARD_ATTR_VALUE.ATR_STRING); string strATR = ByteArrayToString(atrValue); APDUCommand apduSelectEMVApl = null; APDUResponse apdu2 = null; apduSelectEMVApl = new APDUCommand(0x00, 0xA4, 0x04, 0x00, aid, 95); apdu2 = this.cardUpdater.Transmit(apduSelectEMVApl); if (apdu2.SW1 == 0x90) { //Label = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(apdu2.Data, 15, apdu2.Data[14]); //found it! m_EMVAID = aid; if (apdu2.Data[0] == 0x6f) //fci template { ExtractData(ReadTagData(apdu2.Data, 0)); } return true; } } return false;
注:AID 选择成功读取为 A0000003591010028001
如果我没有将 APDU 命令的长度参数专门设置为 95 而不是所有项目中看到的标准 0(以获得最大长度),它将不会响应 90-00(成功)。我发现这个值只是通过迭代来查看哪个长度是可以接受的。为什么?
通过这个程序,我可以读取 BIC 和卡片类型(“girocard”),以及 PDOL 等数据:
然后我尝试按照这篇文章提高安全级别。但是在我的情况下,那些选择和读取的 APDU 命令不会抛出 90-00(而是 6700)。
我试图通过 SFI 记录
APDUCommand apduGPO = new APDUCommand(0x80, 0xa8, 0, 0, new byte[] { 0x83, 0 }, 0); APDUResponse apdu1 = this.cardUpdater.Transmit(apduGPO); if (apdu1.SW1 != 0x90) throw new Exception("Read GPO Data fail"); //two possible forms, 0x80 and 0x77 if (apdu1.Data[0] == 0x80) { for (int i = 4; i < apdu1.Data.Length; i += 4) { byte sfi = (byte)((apdu1.Data[i] >> 3) & 0xf); byte lowRange = apdu1.Data[i + 1]; byte hiRange = apdu1.Data[i + 2]; byte[] records = new byte[hiRange - lowRange + 1]; for (int j = lowRange; j <= hiRange; j++) records[j - lowRange] = (byte)j; sfiRecords.Add(new SFIRecords(sfi, records)); } } else if (apdu1.Data[0] == 0x77) { //look for the application file locator AFL int a, tag; for (a = 2; (tag = ReadTag(apdu1.Data, a)) != 0x94; a = SkipTag(apdu1.Data, a)) ; if (tag == 0x94) { //found it a++; int len = apdu1.Data[a++]; for (int i = a; i < a + len; i += 4) { byte sfi = (byte)((apdu1.Data[i] >> 3) & 0xf); byte lowRange = apdu1.Data[i + 1]; byte hiRange = apdu1.Data[i + 2]; byte[] records = new byte[hiRange - lowRange + 1]; for (int j = lowRange; j <= hiRange; j++) records[j - lowRange] = (byte)j; sfiRecords.Add(new SFIRecords(sfi, records)); } } } else throw new Exception("Unknown GPO template");
正如我从包括Openscdp 的 Initiate Application Process在内的许多其他来源中读到的,但将 PDOL 发送为
APDUCommand apduGPO = new APDUCommand(0x80, 0xa8, 0, 0, pdol, 0);
APDUResponse apdu1 = this.cardUpdater.Transmit(apduGPO);
APDUCommand apduGPO = new APDUCommand(0x80, 0xa8, 0, 0, new byte[]{0x83, 0x00}, 0);
APDUResponse apdu1 = this.cardUpdater.Transmit(apduGPO);
在 apduGPOResponse 上没有进一步(再次出现错误 6700,抛出异常 Fail Reading GPO as result is notsuccesful),所以我无法将 SFI 记录添加到列表中以进一步迭代 Data[0] 并查找要阅读的记录。没有 90-00 响应。
我运行这段代码直接强制读取所有可能的值,而不使用 GPO:
APDUCommand apduReadAll = null;
APDUResponse apdu1 = null;
for (var sfi = 1; sfi <= 31; sfi++)
for (var rec = 1; rec <= 16; rec++)
for (byte le = 0; le < 255; le++)
apduReadAll = new APDUCommand(0x00, 0xB2, (byte)rec, (byte)((sfi << 3) | 4), null, le);
apdu1 = this.cardUpdater.Transmit(apduReadAll);
if (apdu1.SW1 == 0x90)
Console.WriteLine("SFI " + sfi.ToString() + " record #" + rec);
if (apdu1.Data[0] == 0x70 || apdu1.Data[0] == 0x77)
Console.WriteLine("Chalk one here " + sfi.ToString() + " record #" + rec + " len " + le);
ExtractData(ReadTagData(apdu1.Data, 0));
//if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NumberString) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) &&
// !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExpiryString) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(CardType) &&
// !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Label))
// return; //we have all info we need
foreach (TagData tag in Properties)
Console.WriteLine(tag.Name + " " + tag.DataString);
strAllData += tag.Name + " " + tag.DataString + "\r\n";
Application Label girocard
Application Priority Indicator 02
Application Identifier (AID) - card A0 00 00 00 59 45 43 01 00
Application Label girocard
Application Priority Indicator 04
Application Identifier (AID) - card A0 00 00 03 59 10 10 02 80 01
Application Label girocard
Application Priority Indicator 04
Application Identifier (AID) - card A0 00 00 00 04 30 60
Application Label Maestro
Application Priority Indicator 07
Application Identifier (AID) - card D2 76 00 00 25 45 50 02 00
Application Label GeldKarte
Application Identifier (AID) - card A0 00 00 04 86 01 01
Application Label girocard
Application Priority Indicator 05
我将使用从卡返回的上述 AID 值运行相同的程序来比较结果,看看会发生什么以便更好地理解。感谢您为我指明正确的方向。