当我使用 bosun 的 UI 在客户端 vm 上的 cpu 使用率很高时,我正在尝试从 bosun(使用 docker 映像)获取警报通知,它显示了危急情况但不发送通知,还找到了调试配置文件的方法。我的配置文件包含 -

tsdbHost = localhost:4242
stateFile = /data/bosun.state

template test {
    body = `Alert definition:
    Name: {{.Alert.Name}}
    Crit: {{.Alert.Crit}}
        {{range $k, $v := .Group}}
    subject = {{.Last.Status}}: {{.Alert.Name}} on {{.Group.host}}

notification json {
    post = http://localhost:8080/alert
    body = {"text": {{.|json}}}
    contentType = application/json
    next = json
    timeout = 5s
    print = true

alert test {
    template = test
    $speed = avg(q("sum:rate{counter,,1}:linux.cpu{host=aaa}", "1h", ""))
    crit = $speed>195
    warn = $speed>180
    critNotification = json
    warnNotification = json

我的日志文件“./var/log/supervisor/bosun-stderr---supervisor-nhXZKo.log”包含 -

2015/12/17 06:27:19 info: search.go:199: Backing up last data to redis
2015/12/17 06:29:20 info: search.go:199: Backing up last data to redis
2015/12/17 06:30:08 info: notify.go:122: Batching and sending unknown notifications
2015/12/17 06:30:08 info: notify.go:152: Done sending unknown notifications
2015/12/17 06:30:13 info: bolt.go:79: wrote notifications: 48.00B
2015/12/17 06:30:13 info: bolt.go:79: wrote silence: 140.00B
2015/12/17 06:30:13 info: bolt.go:79: wrote status: 767.00B
2015/12/17 06:30:13 info: bolt.go:103: save to db complete
2015/12/17 06:31:20 info: search.go:199: Backing up last data to redis
2015/12/17 06:33:21 info: search.go:199: Backing up last data to redis


 package main
import (
func handleAlerts(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
        fmt.Printf("request enjoy")
func main() {
        http.HandleFunc("/alert", handleAlerts)
        fmt.Printf("Starting server on 8080...")
        err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
        if err != nil {
                fmt.Println("Alerts: Server Down: ", err)
                log.Fatal("Alerts: Server Down: ", err)

1 回答 1



  1. Bosun 以安静模式运行,抑制所有通知。当 bosun 与-q开关一起运行时就是这种情况。
  2. 误解 Bosun 的警报工作流程。在其生命周期内严重(尚未关闭)的事件将不会重新通知(请参阅事件的生命周期]( http://bosun.org/usage#the-lifetime-of-an-incident)部分的文档。
于 2017-11-29T03:03:37.647 回答