What I am trying to do is to "separate" vowels from consonants from an audio file (wav file). For example, a file would be this sentence: "I am fine" and I have to separate the vowel sounds from the consonants one. After the "separation", I can ignore the consonants because they have no importance in this project. Also, I have to ignore the pauses in speech (the pauses between words). So this is my problem, how to separate the vowels from consonants.

I was advised that for segmentation I could use a fcm algorithm or the histogram method. I searched these 2 methods, however I could not find something that could help me.

Can someone walk me through the steps I have to do or give me some useful links? I want to mention I can also use some other methods (not necessarily fcm or histograms).



1 回答 1


您可以使用基于隐藏马尔可夫模型 (HMM) 的分割方法将语音信号分割成相应的音素。您需要正确转录语音信号和字母到声音 (LTS) 规则才能执行此操作。一旦你正确地分割了语音,你就可以轻松地分离元音。此链接将在此 http://hts.sp.nitech.ac.jp/中很有用

于 2015-12-15T07:14:30.787 回答