我刚刚在 gitblit 安装的 groovy 文件夹中编辑了 blockpush.groovy 脚本。我只是“返回错误”;为了检查脚本是否被调用。另外,在测试脚本中,日志文件中没有写入任何内容
Indicate we have started the script
logger.info("blockpush hook triggered by ${user.username} for ${repository.name}: checking ${commands.size} commands")
* Example rejection of pushes to the master branch of example.git
def file1 = new File('C:\\workspace\\test.txt')
file1.write 'Working with files the Groovy way is easy.\n'
return false
for (ReceiveCommand command : commands) {
def updatedRef = command.refName
if (updatedRef.equals('refs/heads/master')) {
// to reject a command set it's result to anything other than Result.NOT_ATTEMPTED
command.setResult(Result.REJECTED_OTHER_REASON, "You are not permitted to write to ${repository.name}:${updatedRef}")
blocked = true