我在 github 上找到了此副本以链接到,但我使用的是从 sourceforge 下载的副本。
例如,如果我创建一个 4×4 矩阵并设置它的比例。然后我想使用vectormath矩阵库旋转之前的矩阵似乎将矩阵重置回单位矩阵然后应用旋转这没有任何意义为什么会发生这种情况。
static inline void vmathM4MakeRotationY( VmathMatrix4 *result, float radians )
float s, c;
s = sinf( radians );
c = cosf( radians );
vmathV4MakeFromElems( &result->col0, c, 0.0f, -s, 0.0f );
vmathV4MakeYAxis( &result->col1 );
vmathV4MakeFromElems( &result->col2, s, 0.0f, c, 0.0f );
vmathV4MakeWAxis( &result->col3 );
mat4_s mat4_rotateX(mat4_s* out, float angle, mat4_s* inMat)
float s = sinf(angle),
c = cosf(angle),
a10 = inMat->m[4],
a11 = inMat->m[5],
a12 = inMat->m[6],
a13 = inMat->m[7],
a20 = inMat->m[8],
a21 = inMat->m[9],
a22 = inMat->m[10],
a23 = inMat->m[11];
if (!out->m) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
out->m[i] = inMat->m[i];
} else if (inMat->m != out->m) { // If the source and destination differ, copy the unchanged rows
out->m[0] = inMat->m[0];
out->m[1] = inMat->m[1];
out->m[2] = inMat->m[2];
out->m[3] = inMat->m[3];
out->m[12] = inMat->m[12];
out->m[13] = inMat->m[13];
out->m[14] = inMat->m[14];
out->m[15] = inMat->m[15];
out->m[4] = a10 * c + a20 * s;
out->m[5] = a11 * c + a21 * s;
out->m[6] = a12 * c + a22 * s;
out->m[7] = a13 * c + a23 * s;
out->m[8] = a10 * -s + a20 * c;
out->m[9] = a11 * -s + a21 * c;
out->m[10] = a12 * -s + a22 * c;
out->m[11] = a13 * -s + a23 * c;
return *out;
这是我必须采取的过程才能让 vectormath 做同样的事情。
mat4* mat4_rotate_y(mat4* out, const float angle){
mat4 m;
vmathM4MakeRotationY(m, angle);
mat4_multi(out, out, m);
return out;
乘法代码是相当标准的,但 vmathM4MakeRotationY 看起来像这样:
static inline void vmathM4MakeRotationZ( VmathMatrix4 *result, float radians )
float s, c;
s = sinf( radians );
c = cosf( radians );
vmathV4MakeFromElems( &result->col0, c, s, 0.0f, 0.0f );
vmathV4MakeFromElems( &result->col1, -s, c, 0.0f, 0.0f );
vmathV4MakeZAxis( &result->col2 );
vmathV4MakeWAxis( &result->col3 );
只是为了完整性, vmathV4Make_Axis 看起来像这样:
static inline void vmathV4MakeZAxis(VmathVector4 *result) {
vmathV4MakeFromElems(result, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
vmathV4MakeFromElms 看起来像这样:
static inline void vmathV4MakeFromElems(VmathVector4 *result, float _x,
float _y, float _z, float _w) {
result->x = _x;
result->y = _y;
result->z = _z;
result->w = _w;