This is a follow-up question asked here. I need to make a round-grayed box as is shown.

Based on the answers, I tried something, but not so fruitful. So, another questions coming.

I came up with the following command, but it doesn't work. The verbatim inside the minipage doesn't compile.

  \draw node[draw=black,fill=black!10,rounded corners,inner sep=2ex,text width=\mytikzwidth] {%

%% ERROR - verbatim doesn't work. 
java -cp \$CLOJUREJAR:\$CLASSPATH clojure.lang.Script \$1

I also tried with the environment, which also doesn't work. The minipage isn't sit inside the minipage.

  \draw node[draw=black,fill=black!10,rounded corners,inner
  sep=2ex,text width=\mytikzwidth] {%


  • What's wrong with the LaTeX code? How can I use verbatim environment with minipage in the tikzpicture?
  • Could you teach me a better way to implement the grayboxed environment as is shown in the attached picture?

This is the whole code, and I attached the compiled result with the compiled result.



\addtolength{\mytikzwidth}{-4ex} % this 10ex is just rule of thumb.

  \draw node[draw=black,fill=black!10,rounded corners,inner sep=2ex,text width=\mytikzwidth] {%

  \draw node[draw=black,fill=black!10,rounded corners,inner
  sep=2ex,text width=\mytikzwidth] {%


%%%% CASE 1 - OK
clj command is as follows.

java -cp \$CLOJUREJAR:\$CLASSPATH clojure.lang.Script \$1

hello.clj needs a namespace (ns) to let the modules know about this code.

%%%% CASE 2 - not working with verbatim
clj command is as follows.

java -cp \$CLOJUREJAR:\$CLASSPATH clojure.lang.Script \$1

hello.clj needs a namespace (ns) to let the modules know about this code.

%%%% CASE 3 - not inside the tikz
clj command is as follows.

java -cp \$CLOJUREJAR:\$CLASSPATH clojure.lang.Script \$1

hello.clj needs a namespace (ns) to let the modules know about this code.


1 回答 1


我向LaTeX Community提出了同样的问题,我从 Juanjo 那里得到了以下答案。



   { \结束{小页面}
       \draw node[draw=black,fill=black!10,圆角,%
             内部 sep=2ex,文本宽度=\RoundedBoxWidth]%



  clj 命令如下。
  java -cp \$CLOJUREJAR:\$CLASSPATH clojure.lang.Script \$1
  hello.clj 需要一个命名空间(ns)来让模块


  clj 命令如下。
  clojure.lang.Script \$1
  hello.clj 需要一个命名空间(ns)来让模块


于 2010-08-03T00:07:33.523 回答